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The Craft Beer Boom Added $34 Billion To The Economy Last Year

Dec 24, 2013, 22:46 IST

Small and independent American craft breweries added $33.9 billion to the U.S. economy in 2012, according to a new report from the Brewers Association.


California, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, and Colorado made the largest economic contribution overall. On a per capita level, Oregon was the best state, at $448.56 a person, followed by Colorado, Vermont, Maine, and Montana.

"The figure is derived from the total impact of beer brewed by craft brewers as it moves through the three-tier system (breweries, wholesalers and retailers), as well as all non-beer products that brewpub restaurants sell," according to the report.

Here's the state-by-state breakdown (via AEI's Mark Perry):

Brewers Association


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