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The best photos from the Super Bowl

Feb 2, 2015, 21:43 IST

America's biggest sporting event did not disappoint this year, producing one of the craziest endings as the New England Patriots are once again Super Bowl champions.


Along the way, the game produced some amazing photos.

From Marshawn Lynch's warm-up mask, to Katy Perry's wild ride and the game-winning interception, here are the best photos of the Super Bowl from Getty Images, AP, and Reuters.

Marshawn Lynch warmed up prior to the game with his customary training mask.


Bill Belichick had his gameday face ready to go before the game.

Members of the military led the Patriots on to the field.

The flyover during the national anthem.


Tom Brady celebrated a first half touchdown with some gusto.

Katy Perry made a grand entrance for her halftime show.


An incredible view of the halftime fireworks from inside the stadium.

Julian Edelman spikes the ball after scoring the go-ahead touchdown in the fourth quarter.

Jermaine Kearse waits for the ball to fall back to Earth on a play that nearly won the Super Bowl.


An incredible shot of the play of the game as Malcolm Butler intercepts Russell Wilson.

Russell Wilson walks off the field after throwing the interception as Vince Wilfork celebrates in the background.


Richard Sherman congratulates Tom Brady on the final kneel-down of the game.

Patriots players take a Super Bowl trophy selfie.

A dejected Bobby Wagner walks off the field as the Patriots celebrate.


Rob Gronkowski and Tom Brady share a moment.

Shane Vereen shows the joy of victory.


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