Warner Bros.
There are tons of movies to choose from on Netflix - but they aren't all great, or even good. So we have highlighted the ones coming to the service this month that are worth your time.
In March, it's a mix of unappreciated gems and all-time classics.
On the classics side, there's Stanley Kubrick's ultra-violent "A Clockwork Orange," Ang Lee's beautiful (and often imitated) "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon," and one of the best love stories ever adapted to the screen, "The Notebook." And for movies that you may have never seen before (but should), there's Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's Oscar-winning "The Lives of Others," and one of Amy Adams' early films which proved she was a star on the rise, "Junebug."
See below the 8 titles coming to Netflix this month we think you should check out: