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The 7 Most Tremendous Images From Today's Tea Party Rallies In Washington DC

Brett LoGiurato   

The 7 Most Tremendous Images From Today's Tea Party Rallies In Washington DC

During two rallies on Capitol Hill Wednesday, conservatives rallied against the immigration reform bill being debated in the Senate and the IRS' recent disclosures that it targeted Tea Party groups applying for tax-exempt status with extra scrutiny.

The anti-immigration bill effort was spearheaded by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who held a six-hour, marathon press conference. The Tea Party Patriots sponsored the "Audit the IRS" rally, which it billed as its largest rally since 2010. It featured appearances from Rep. Michele Bachman (R-Minn.), radio host Glenn Beck, and Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), and Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

As is customary with Tea Party-type rallies, attendees came adorned with colorful — or terrifying — signs, depending on your point of view.

Here's one comparing the IRS to the Soviet Union's KGB:

IRS tea party rallies

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One person took the Soviet Union references even further, fitting both USSR and Nazi comparisons into his sign:

Here's another Nazi Germany reference, a nod to the secret German police:

One man urged the Obama administration to "spy on Islam" and "not America":

IRS tea party rallies

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And here, an attendee makes a point with an Apple reference:

IRS tea party rallies

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One sign urged House Speaker John Boehner, in a roundabout way, to adhere to more conservative ideals:

IRS tea party rallies

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And finally, one attendee wanted to "waterboard the IRS:"


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