The EIA says that as Europe grows more reliant on Russian energy exports, the Danish Straits will gain in importance. Three million barrels per day passed through in 2010.
One of the busiest chokepoints in the world, the Bosporous and Dardanelles saw a total of 50,000 ships carrying an average of 3 million barrels a day, pass through it in 2011.
Though just 1,000-feet-wide at its maximum point, 18,000 ships passed through the Suez in 2011. Combined with the SUMED oil pipeline, the Suez area transports 2.4 million barrels per day.
Though only 755,000 barrels per day passed through in 2011, the Panama Canal Authority is in the midst of a massive overhaul that, by 2014, will triple the strait's capacity.