The 55 Unknown Rock Stars In Tech, According to Marc Andreessen
This time, Andreessen was inspired by Sam Lessin's article in The Information, "Silicon Valley's Frontman Problem." In it, Lessin questioned whether Silicon Valley was accurately being represented by its figureheads who are most often cited - including Andreessen, Peter Thiel, and Elon Musk.
In response to Lessin's article, Andreessen tweeted out Twitter handles that belong to 55 people - "only a highly abridged selection," he mentioned - who "aren't widely famous (yet) but who routinely say interesting and provocative things," Andreessen noted.
We've compiled a slideshow of the 55 people Andreessen included in his tweetstorm. They're investors, company CEOs and founders, doctoral candidates, pundits, and writers. There's even one high school senior on the list.
Disclosure: Marc Andreessen is an investor in Business Insider.