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The 5 countries with the most top-ranked colleges for computer science

Oct 6, 2015, 23:47 IST

Via Flickr

In a new list on the best universities in the world, US News & World Report found the US has the most schools with top-ranked computer science programs.


American universities dominated US News' global ranking, with 181 schools making the overall list of 750. For their computer science ranking, US News looked at 250 universities.

"These subject-specific rankings - which are not of academic majors, departments or specific schools at universities, such as business schools or medical schools - are based on academic research performance in those subjects," Robert Morse, US News' director of data research, writes. "We have used various bibliometric measures, including publications and citations, as well as indicators for global and regional reputation in that specific subject."

Here are the five countries with the most top-ranked computer science programs, and the top school from each country:

1. US (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


2. China (Tsinghua University)

3. United Kingdom (University College London)

4. Canada (University of British Columbia)

4. Hong Kong (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

4. Australia (University of Melbourne)


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