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The 3 Most Ridiculous Missing Plane Theories CNN Has Considered This Week

Pamela Engel   

The 3 Most Ridiculous Missing Plane Theories CNN Has Considered This Week

The entire world is desperate to solve the mystery of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, but CNN has considered some truly ridiculous theories during its coverage of the saga.

It started on Sunday when anchor Don Lemon wondered whether "supernatural" forces might have made the plane disappear. He said: "Especially today, on a day when we deal with the supernatural ... people are saying to me, why aren't you talking about the possibility - and I'm just putting it out there - that something odd happened to this plane, something beyond our understanding?"

His guest Brad Meltzer, who hosts the mystery and conspiracy theory show "Decoded" on the History Channel, stopped short of suggesting that aliens took the plane, but admitted that "something smells wrong."

Then, on Wednesday, Lemon wondered whether it might have been a black hole that swallowed the plane along with the 239 people on board. The idea was suggested in a tweet from a viewer.

"That's what people are saying," Lemon said. "I know it's preposterous - but is it preposterous?"

Mary Schiavo, a former Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Transportation, was gracious in her response to Lemon, but said it was indeed preposterous to think a black hole could be responsible. She noted that even a small black hole would "suck in our entire universe."

By Thursday, Wolf Blitzer was bringing up the possibility of a "zombie plane," a strange way to describe the theory that smoke or fumes could have knocked out the passengers and crew as the plane flew on using autopilot.

Correspondent Suzanne Malveaux pointed out that it has happened before.

Some have said that's unlikely based on the current evidence investigators have.

CNN has been heavily mocked for its wall-to-wall coverage and wild speculation, but its viewership has soared since the plan coverage began, so it's unlikely they'll slow down anytime soon.

The network also says that families of the people on board the plane are begging the media to keep going:

CNN isn't the only network that has taken heat for its coverage of the plane mystery this week.

HLN, the sister network of CNN, asked a psychic to reveal what might have happened to the plane. And Fox News host Bill Hemmer said on Wednesday that it"took us 2,000 years to find Noah's Ark," referencing a hoax that several scientists have debunked.


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