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The 25 Most Expensive Tasting Menus On Earth

Apr 26, 2013, 22:12 IST

Adam Goldberg/A Life Worth EatingThe famous L'Arpege "oeuf à la coque"One of the best ways for foodies to truly experience the world's best restaurants is by ordering a multi-course tasting menu.


But these carefully crafted and elaborate meals can easily cost upwards of $150 a head, not including wine, tax, or gratuity.

And that's a modest estimate. Most of the 26 restaurants on this list blow that cost out of the water, with prices ranging from $200 to over $600 per person.

These are the 25 most expensive tasting menus we could find, but if you know of another, tell us in the comments!

NOTE: We calculated the cost of a meal for two people, and included the price of a wine pairing where applicable. Unless otherwise indicated, the listed cost does not include gratuity or tax. Foreign prices were converted at today's conversion rates.


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