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The 25 Colleges With The Highest SAT Scores

Apr 1, 2013, 21:26 IST

The college admissions process is extremely competitive at each school, with only a small percentage of applicants receiving acceptance letters.


One major factor that universities use to evaluate students is the SAT score.

A perfect SAT score will not guarantee a student admission to a top school because it is only one aspect of a larger application that includes coursework, recommendations, and extracurricular activities. But a great score will certainly help.

CollegeBoard publishes the mid-50 percent SAT scores of incoming freshmen for each of the three sections — critical reading, math, and writing — for each college.

For example, a range of 710-780 means that 50 percent of the students scored in that range, with 25 percent scoring above, and 25 percent scoring below that range.


We took the average of the ranges and ranked the schools based on the highest average SAT score.

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