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The 25 cities with the best quality of life in the US

Aug 2, 2016, 18:30 IST

Facebook/Downtown Boulder


If you regularly remark about how happy, safe, and satisfied you feel in your personal and professional lives, you most likely have a pretty high quality of life.

The city you live in may have a lot to do with that, thanks to factors like job opportunities, a good housing market, access to quality public schools, and proximity to outdoor activities.

To determine which US cities offer the best quality of life, we turned to the latest Places to Live rankings from Niche, a company that researches and compiles information on cities.

We looked at eight separate rankings in the best cities category - which assessed more than 220 places with a population of at least 100,000 people - including "Safest Cities," "Cities with the Best Job Opportunities," "Healthiest Cities," and "Best Cities to Raise a Family." We then combined these rankings to determine which cities have the best overall quality of life. You can read the full methodology here.


The final list of the top 25 cities reveals that midsize cities (with populations of under 500,000) offer the best quality of life. The state with the most cities in the top 25 is Texas, with seven, followed by California, which had five.

Read on to check out the 25 cities with the best quality of life.

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