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The 20 Most Stagnant Economies For The Next Three Years

Lucas Kawa   

The 20 Most Stagnant Economies For The Next Three Years

The World Bank recently slashed its outlook for global growth in 2013 to 2.4 percent and 2014 to 3.1 percent. It also unveiled its lackluster 2015 forecast: 3.3 percent.

"While diminished, downside risks to the global economy persist and include a stalling of progress on the Euro Area crisis, debt and fiscal issues in the United States, the possibility of a sharp slowing of investment in China, and a disruption in global oil supplies," they write.

The organization's new report, Global Economic Prospects, provides outlooks for the individual economies it follows.

The laggards include economies that rely on tourism like Belize and Jamaica. It also includes nations struggling with corruption and crime.

But for the most part, they are the major developed economies like the U.S., Japan, and the members of the European Union. (For the purposes of this report, the EU is considered one economy.)

We pulled the 20 slowest economies from the World Bank's report based on compound annual growth rate (CAGR) through 2015.


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