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The 20 most beloved CEOs in America

Jun 8, 2016, 09:29 IST

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.REUTERS/Shu Zhang

Can't stand the big boss at work?


Try getting a job at Facebook, LinkedIn, or Apple.

Employees at these companies have three of America's most beloved CEOs.

That's according to a new report by Glassdoor, an online jobs and careers community. The 2016 Highest-Rated CEOs report relied solely on the input of employees who elected to participate anonymously in an online company review survey.

Respondents were asked to rate their CEO and say whether or not they approve of the way he or she is leading the company.


To be eligible for the final ranking, each CEO had to run a company with at least 1,000 employees, and had to have at least 100 approval ratings, senior management ratings, and company reviews between May 2015 and May 2016.

Below are the top 20. Click here for the top 50.

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