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The 17 best US cities to live a nice life and still save money, ranked

Aug 29, 2019, 18:15 IST

Jeff Schultes/Shutterstock

  • GOBankingRates' new data ranks the best places to live for people who want to save money. The site looked at income and overall costs of living to assemble the ranking, including things like housing, transportation, and food costs.
  • The data shows that many of the best cities for saving are clustered in Texas and throughout the Midwest, including cities like Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and El Paso, Texas taking the top spots.
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For people who want to save money, some cities make it easier than others. Costs of housing, food, and transportation all influence how much you'll be able to stash away each month, and there are some cities where residents will find this more doable.

GOBankingRates took a look at incomes and costs of living in over 100 cities across the US. Income data is from the Census Bureau's American Community Survey, while median single-family home rent costs and home listing prices were calculated from Zillow. Other cost of living factors include average statewide gas prices from AAA as of June 2019, and costs of eating out and groceries sourced from Numbeo.

Many of the most affordable cities are in Texas and the Midwest. Of the 17 on this list, six of the cities are in Texas, including San Antonio and El Paso.

Here are the US 17 cities that make it easiest to save money:


17. San Antonio, Texas

San Antonio's cost of living is affordable and works well for those on a budget.

Median household income: $49,711

Median rent for a single-family home: $1,350 per month

16. Chandler, Arizona

Southwest of Phoenix, residents will find fairly high incomes and relatively low rents.

Median household income: $77,278

Median rent for a single-family home: $1,750 per month

15. Toledo, Ohio

Toledo, Ohio is an excellent city for savers, with some incredibly low rents.

Median household income: $35,808

Median rent for a single-family home: $775 per month

14. Memphis, Tennessee

This Tennessee city offers affordable living costs in a unique environment.

Median household income: $38,230

Median rent for a single-family home: $925 per month

13. Albuquerque, New Mexico

This quirky, southwestern city offers an excellent opportunity for savers.

Median household income: $49,878

Median rent for a single-family home: $1,350 per month

12. Irving, Texas

Irving, Texas, offers an affordable alternative to nearby Dallas.

Median household income: $58,196

Median rent for a single-family home: $2,095 per month

11. Lincoln, Nebraska

Lincoln, Nebraska is the state capital, and has a lively arts and cultural scene. Residents will also enjoy fairly high salaries coupled with rather low housing costs.

Median household income: $53,089

Median rent for a single-family home: $1,300 per month

10. Des Moines, Iowa

Des Moines, Iowa offers residents affordable living and incomes that are relatively high, making it a great place for savers.

Median household income: $49,999

Median rent for a single-family home: $1,050 per month

9. Lubbock, Texas

Lubbock, Texas is fairly affordable, and low costs of living will leave you with lots left over to save.

Median household income: $47,327

Median rent for a single-family home: $1,200 per month

8. Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha is higher on the list for savers than the Nebraska state capital, Lincoln.

Median household income: $53,789

Median rent for a single-family home: $1,345 per month

7. Lexington, Kentucky

Lexington, Kentucky offers affordable housing, and a close proximity to the University of Kentucky.

Median household income: $53,013

Median rent for a single-family home: $1,250 per month

6. Corpus Christi, Texas

Blue waters aren't the only attraction to Corpus Christi, Texas — low living costs also make it an appealing option. It's also the only coastal town to make the list.

Median household income: $53,626

Median rent for a single-family home: $1,595 per month

5. Tulsa, Oklahoma

Tulsa's low rents make it a tough city to beat when it comes to costs of living.

Median household income: $44,577

Median rent for a single-family home: $975 per month

4. Wichita, Kansas

In central Kansas, Wichita offers incredibly affordable housing costs and relatively high salaries.

Median household income: $48,982

Median rent for a single-family home: $1,050 per month

3. Garland, Texas

For a small town feel just outside of Dallas, Garland, Texas is a good option for savers.

Median household income: $55,637

Median rent for a single-family home: $1,550 per month

2. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma is a great place for savers with all around affordable costs of living, transportation, and dining.

Median household income: $51,581

Median rent for a single-family home: $1,050 per month

1. El Paso, Texas

This Texas city borders Mexico, giving it a unique culture. While its rent might not be the cheapest on the list, redidents will find that low costs of groceries and dining out give an edge on savings.

Median household income: $44,431

Median rent for a single-family home: $1,200 per month

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