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The 15 Most Valuable Cloud Computing Companies In The World Are Worth Way More Than You'd Think

Jul 30, 2013, 06:47 IST

Cornerstone OnDemandAdam Miller, CEO, Cornerstone OnDemand

In the last 18 months, 13 cloud computing companies have gone public and investors have been eating them up.


A few examples include WorkDay, ServiceNow, Rally Software, and Marketo.

Bessemer Venture Partners has created a brand new index that tracks the top 30 public cloud software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies.

"With 30 large public companies collectively representing more than $100 billion in market capitalization and $12.5 billion in estimated 2013 revenue, the cloud computing industry has officially come of age," explains the keepers of Bessemer's new index Byron Deeter and Kristina Shen in a blog post.

Here's another shocker:


Byron Deeter and Kristina Shen
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