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The 10 most useless graduate degrees

Feb 27, 2015, 01:43 IST

In many fields, graduate degrees offer distinct benefits for your extra years in school.


Employees armed with a graduate education are often a more attractive hire and can make a higher salary than colleagues who just have a bachelor's degree.

However, for some industries the benefits of going to graduate school are comparatively low and don't justify the extra investment.

Using the recent "Hard Times" report from the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce, we examined salary and unemployment data of experienced college graduates and experienced graduate degree holders. These are workers whose ages range from 35 to 54 years old.

For roughly 50 fields, we calculated how much more money a graduate degree will bring and the difference in unemployment rates for those with a post-college degree. These figures were then combined to determine which graduate degrees are the most "useless" - basically, which give you the smallest boost in salary and employment.


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