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The 10 most important things in the world right now

The 10 most important things in the world right now

Honour guards march during a welcoming ceremony attended by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (not pictured) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, August 31, 2016.

REUTERS/Thomas Peter

Honour guards march during a welcoming ceremony attended by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (not pictured) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, August 31, 2016.

Hello! Here's what you need to know on Thursday.

1. A German lawmaker wants to make it easier to deport 'preachers of hate'. The security spokesman for the Christian Democratic party in parliament, said that Germany had made strides in its fight against Islamist militants but that more work was needed, including steps to increase deportations of potential attackers.

2. Dilma Rousseff, the president of Brazil, has been impeached for hiding the country's declining economic situation during an election year in order to win reelection in 2014. Brazilian senators voted 61 to 20 to impeach her. Her vice president, Michel Temer, will serve as interim president until an election in 2018.

3. White nationalists and self-identified Nazi sympathizers located mostly in the United States use Twitter with "relative impunity." They also often have far more followers than militant Islamists, a study being released on Thursday found.

4. A senior US army official said Australia must choose between the United States and China. He also urged Canberra to take a tougher stance against Chinese claims in the South China Sea.

5. The US and China are taking unprecedented steps amid historic climate change agreement. The world's two largest economies and worst carbon polluters - are expected to make public a cross-checking of each other's fossil fuel subsidies at the G20 summit in Hangzhou this weekend.

6. Donald Trump and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto hosted a tense press conference that acknowledged differences between the two leaders over issues like immigration and trade. The two leaders disagree over how to manage trade relationships, and who would fund Trump's proposed border wall between the US and Mexico.

7. Former BBC director general Mark Thompson thinks the British broadcaster is going to have to make some "serious" on-screen cuts if it is going to manage its new funding deal. As part of its licence fee settlement last year, the BBC agreed to shoulder the £745 million ($978 million) cost of free TV licences for over-75 year olds from 2018/19.

8. This map shows the hottest geopolitical issues that happened in August. From the killing of a major ISIS leader to recent military flareups in Ukraine, August has been a month of historic geopolitical interest.

9. Eurosceptics are salivating at the idea of 'Irexit' after Apple's shock €13 billion EU-Ireland tax bill. This contentious EU ruling takes place in the context of the Brexit referendum - Britain's shock vote in June to exit the EU.

10. Africa's largest economy, Nigeria, has officially entered recession after two consecutive quarters of contraction. Gross domestic product shrank by 2.06% in the second quarter of 2016, following a 0.36% shrinking in the first quarter.

And finally ...

These are the 10 best countries for computer programming.

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