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The 10 Most Important Things In The World Right Now

Dec 30, 2014, 14:13 IST

REUTERS/StringerAn Ebola patient is put on a Hercules transport plane at Glasgow Airport in Scotland December 30, 2014, to be transported to London.Hello! Here's what you need to know for Tuesday.


1. Indonesian officials say search teams have spotted debris in the sea that belongs to missing AirAsia Flight QZ8501, which disappeared on Sunday during a flight from Indonesia to Singapore.

2. A Scottish healthcare worker who was diagnosed with Ebola after returning from Sierra Leone is being flown to a London hospital for treatment.

3. US investigators believe North Korea hired hackers from outside the country to help with last month's Cyberattack of Sony Pictures.

4. 10 people have been confirmed dead after a ferry on its way from Greece to Italy caught fire on Sunday.


5. Brent crude hit a five-and-a-half-year low on Tuesday at around $57 a barrel amid a supply glut.

6. Greece is headed for snap elections after it failed to elect a new president on Monday. 

7. Russia's economy contracted for the first time in more than five years in November. 

8. The world's 400 richest people added $92 billion to their collective fortune in 2014, Bloomberg reports.

9. Top-secret documents from Margaret Thatcher's government were released to the public on Tuesday under the 30-year-rule.


10. Nevada and California will get sacked by a rare snowstorm on New Year's Eve.

And finally ...

Australia is on the hunt for a shark with a spear in its throat after a teenager escaped an attacked.

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