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The 10 most expensive transfers in British football this summer

Sep 1, 2016, 13:06 IST

Jan Kruger / Getty Images

British football clubs went wild in the summer of 2016, breaking spending records across the board, and splashing money like never before.


Premier League clubs spent more than £155 million on players on the last day of the window on Wednesday, breaking 2013's record of £140 million.

In total, clubs in the Premier League spent £1.17 billion ($1.5 billion) on players this summer, the first time the summer total has passed the ten-figure mark for the first time in history.

Among the transfers made, there were numerous massive, multimillion pound deals which saw world class players and talented youngsters alike move for astronomical fees.

We've rounded up the 10 biggest deals in English football this summer, which together accounted for more than £400 million of the money spent by British clubs.


Check out the biggest transfers of the summer below.

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