Yet, they are a continuous part of our daily lives through social media websites like Twitter - they even have their own handle: @NASA_Astronauts.
And with over 14,000 tweets and more than 300,000 followers, it's clear that these space explorers love sharing their adventures as much as the world enjoys learning about them.
Using the online service Favstar, which tracks Twitter usage of any account, we found the tweets that had the most favorites and retweets from the @NASA_Astronauts Twitter account.
Here they are, starting with number 10:
10. Favorites: 2,274 Retweets: 1,033
"Hi from the cupola!" #AstroButch
- NASA Astronauts (@NASA_Astronauts) December 28, 2014
9. Favorites: 2,302 Retweets: 1,521
"#Moonset into the blue. Color due to concurrent sunrise, shape change from atmosphere light refraction." #AstroButch
- NASA Astronauts (@NASA_Astronauts) January 4, 2015
8. Favorites: 2,366 Retweets: 1,507
"#Seattle to #SanFrancisco" #AstroButch
- NASA Astronauts (@NASA_Astronauts) January 3, 2015
7. Favorites: 2,410 Retweets: 1,597
"As far as the eye can see #Africa" #AstroButch
- NASA Astronauts (@NASA_Astronauts) February 6, 2015
6. Favorites: 2,740 Retweets: 1,923
"Thunderstorms on the horizon" #AstroButch
- NASA Astronauts (@NASA_Astronauts) February 3, 2015
5. Favorites: 3,064 Retweets: 2,352
"Stunning colors as we cross the #SaharaDesert. The inspiration of #EarthArt." #AstroButch
- NASA Astronauts (@NASA_Astronauts) February 28, 2015
4. Favorites: 3,196 Retweets: 2,367
"Great lakes & central U.S." #AstroButch
- NASA Astronauts (@NASA_Astronauts) December 8, 2014
3. Favorites: 4,287 Retweets: 3,113
"#Italy and Aegean Sea in the distance … a night to remember!" #AstroButch
- NASA Astronauts (@NASA_Astronauts) January 4, 2015
2. Favorites: 4,604 Retweets: 3,471
"A sparkling #Nile river valley and delta #Egypt … fabulous!" #AstroButch
- NASA Astronauts (@NASA_Astronauts) January 4, 2015
1. Favorites: 4,831 Retweets: 3,624
"Merry Christmas from the International Space Station!" #AstroButch
- NASA Astronauts (@NASA_Astronauts) December 24, 2014