OpenTable St. Francis Winery in Santa Rosa, Calif.
Contemporary American cuisine from restaurants that source their food locally and seasonally were big winners on OpenTable's ranking. California establishments also pop up three times in the top 10, and a winery from the state takes the number one honor.
"California is in the envious position of having a year-round growing climate," OpenTable's Chief Dining Officer Caroline Potter wrote in an email to Business Insider, "and the state produces much of the nation's fruits and vegetables. Chefs and restaurateurs have amazing access to this 365 days a year."
Take a look at the top 10 restaurants of 2013:
10. Goosefoot in Chicago, Ill.
9. The French Laundry in Yountville, Calif.
8. Fearrington House Restaurant in Pittsboro, N.C.
7. Orchids at Palm Court in Cincinnati, Ohio
6. o ya in Boston, Mass.
5. Charleston in Baltimore, Md.
4. Halls Chophouse in Charleston, S.C.
3. n/naka in Los Angeles, Calif.
2. Mama's Fish House in Paia, Hawaii
1. St. Francis Winery & Vineyards in Santa Rosa, Calif.