The 10 Best Jobs For People Who Love Math
Matthew Lloyd/Getty Images
In today's data-driven economy, those with excellent math skills don't have to look far to find high-paying, high-growth jobs open for the taking.To find out which jobs offer the best opportunities for people who love math, we analyzed CareerCast's list of the top 200 occupations in 2013 and pulled out those jobs that require analytical math skills.
CareerCast, a job search site, measured the stress, physical demands, and both the current and future employment outlook of the 200 occupations.
The overall score for each job takes into account the pay; hiring outlook; stress; emotional factors, including the level of competitiveness and degree of public contact; and physical demands, such as stamina required and work conditions, that normally come with the job. Once the categories are combined, a lower overall score signals that the job is more desirable to employees.
Much of the data used to evaluate the jobs comes from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, other government agencies, trade associations, and private survey firms.