"Best Friends" is a feature that has embedded itself in teen culture.
Your Snapchat "Best Friends" were the people you snapped the most, so if you were in a relationship, you wouldn't want to catch your significant other snapping another girl or guy more than they were snapping you, right?
That would mean something was up.
Now, there's no way to know who's snapping who, and teens on Twitter are concerned this is going to ruin relationships and friendships...forever.
Who can be trusted?
It's funny how so many people are annoyed because they can't stalk other people's best friends now on Snapchat ?? #snapchatupdate
- Will Hauser (@hauser0) January 28, 2015
Stalking people has just got a little bit harder ?? WHY has snapchat gotten rid of 'best friends'??? ??
- meg?? (@meglakin) January 28, 2015
- FAT AMY (@RelatableQuote) January 27, 2015
the only part of snapchat that was good was the best friends why would I want to watch a sloth move or a get a fact when I could spy on bae
- Common White Girl (@girlposts) January 27, 2015
plot twist: snapchat brings back the best friends list in like two days just to see all the cheaters who took advantage of the update
- chloe (@chloeonvine) January 28, 2015
just because snapchat isn't showing best friends anymore doesn't mean you should go and snapchat someone you shouldn't
- asä (@themrhubbard) January 27, 2015
no more Snapchat best friends. People will now have trust issues.
- Zaheera Haffejee (@zaheerahaffejee) January 28, 2015
Hate there not being snapchat best friends anymore. I loved spying??
- Emma Rutter (@emmarutter30) January 28, 2015
But at least some people have a firm grasp on reality:
if u can't trust ur boyfriend/girlfriend w/o seeing their snapchat best friends why r u in a relationship w them????
- monica (@monicatwarog) January 27, 2015