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Women are having a profound new relationship…with their smartphones

Telephone landlines have become a dying breed: Only 46% of homes surveyed had a central home phone, compared to 65% in 2012. That's on par with the national average: 45% of Americans don't have home phones anymore, the CDC says.

Women are having a profound new relationship…with their smartphones

Families own on average 2.6 smartphones, one for each parent and often one for kids.

Families own on average 2.6 smartphones, one for each parent and often one for kids.

Women are more attached to their phones than their purses. 48% of women named their phone as the No. 1 item they wouldn't leave home without, while 26% named the purse. In 2012, 43% named the phone, and 31% the purse. For moms, the diaper bag and snack came in a distant third and fourth.

Women are more attached to their phones than their purses. 48% of women named their phone as the No. 1 item they wouldn

Women mainly use their phone in the ways you'd expect: social media, to text, for directions/GPS ...

Women mainly use their phone in the ways you

... but they also use their phones in new ways. 38% say they always use their phone to search the Internet, vs. 24% in 2012. For them, the phone, rather than the PC, is the new go-to tool for looking up information.

... but they also use their phones in new ways. 38% say they always use their phone to search the Internet, vs. 24% in 2012. For them, the phone, rather than the PC, is the new go-to tool for looking up information.

Plus, 53% of women always use their phone as their morning alarm clock.

Plus, 53% of women always use their phone as their morning alarm clock.

And a growing number of women are using their phones for all kinds of other tasks, like diet and fitness. For instance, about 72 million women are using Under Armour's fitness tracking and diet tracking apps like MyFitnessPal and MapMyFitness.

And a growing number of women are using their phones for all kinds of other tasks, like diet and fitness. For instance, about 72 million women are using Under Armour

More than 200,000 woman have used their phones to help them get pregnant via fertility tracking apps like Glow and Kindara.

More than 200,000 woman have used their phones to help them get pregnant via fertility tracking apps like Glow and Kindara.

Kindara also says that women can use the app and its smartphone fertility thermometer as birth control to avoid pregnancy (though we don't know how many women are using their phones that way).

Kindara also says that women can use the app and its smartphone fertility thermometer as birth control to avoid pregnancy (though we don

Source: Kindara

We do know that thousands of women are using Glow's sex and health app, Eve, to track and improve their sex lives and overall feminine health.

We do know that thousands of women are using Glow

No matter how women are using smartphones for fertility and sex lives, they are definitely sleeping with them. 81% of those surveyed by Influence Central keep their phone near their bed at night, up from 62% in 2012.

No matter how women are using smartphones for fertility and sex lives, they are definitely sleeping with them. 81% of those surveyed by Influence Central keep their phone near their bed at night, up from 62% in 2012.

While awake, women keep their phones close, too. This includes while driving. 57% say they always, often, or sometimes talk on the phone while driving, up from 53% in 2012. 52% do this while using a safer hands-free/Bluetooth accessory. But 48% are holding the phone while talking.

While awake, women keep their phones close, too. This includes while driving. 57% say they always, often, or sometimes talk on the phone while driving, up from 53% in 2012. 52% do this while using a safer hands-free/Bluetooth accessory. But 48% are holding the phone while talking.

On a positive note: 56% of those surveyed by Influence Central say they never text while they drive. Only 17% say they frequently do.

On a positive note: 56% of those surveyed by Influence Central say they never text while they drive. Only 17% say they frequently do.
