scorecardWhat It's Like To Be A Teenage Girl At A Huge Convention Of YouTube Stars
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What It's Like To Be A Teenage Girl At A Huge Convention Of YouTube Stars

There was a ton of excitement entering the Pasadena Convention Center.

What It's Like To Be A Teenage Girl At A Huge Convention Of YouTube Stars

Everyone got their meet and greet cards.

Everyone got their meet and greet cards.

Everyone tried to answer this question fairly.

Everyone tried to answer this question fairly.



Friends and parents snapped pics.

Friends and parents snapped pics.

She looks very calm here.

She looks very calm here.



That's more like it. JC Caylen gives a huge embrace.


Selfies galore.

Selfies galore.

Performance time! JackJack takes the stage.

Performance time! JackJack takes the stage.

JackJack from another perspective.

JackJack from another perspective.

Pretty good shot from the front row!

Pretty good shot from the front row!

Considering this is what the front rows looked like!

Considering this is what the front rows looked like!

Gender Clothing Swap time was a big deal for the crowd. There was a ton of screaming and laughter.

Gender Clothing Swap time was a big deal for the crowd. There was a ton of screaming and laughter.

But this was when the screams became deafening.

But this was when the screams became deafening.

A fan snaps another fan showing some INTOUR love.

A fan snaps another fan showing some INTOUR love.

Check out the rest of the INTOUR pics!

Check out the rest of the INTOUR pics!
