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This is how Uber used to look when it first started out

2010: Uber launches in San Francisco as UberCab. This was its initial logo.

This is how Uber used to look when it first started out

At the time, it cost about 1.5 times as much as a cab, but you could request a car in San Francisco by sending a text or pressing a button.

At the time, it cost about 1.5 times as much as a cab, but you could request a car in San Francisco by sending a text or pressing a button.

In this shot you can see the rudiments of the first iPhone app for UberCab.

In this shot you can see the rudiments of the first iPhone app for UberCab.

Then Uber dropped the "cab" from its name. Cleaner.

Then Uber dropped the "cab" from its name. Cleaner.

"Everyone's private driver" started to look a bit more sleek.


As you can see, not everyone in 2010 had given up on flip phones, even in San Francisco.

As you can see, not everyone in 2010 had given up on flip phones, even in San Francisco.

2011: Can you spot the difference? Uber was now available in multiple cities.

2011: Can you spot the difference? Uber was now available in multiple cities.

Here is the login screen on desktop.

Here is the login screen on desktop.

2012: Uber gets a luxe new logo.

2012: Uber gets a luxe new logo.

The website stayed pretty similar though, with TechCrunch's review and a quote from investor Chris Sacca prominently displayed.

The website stayed pretty similar though, with TechCrunch

This is what the app looked like back then.

This is what the app looked like back then.

And the notification on iPhone.

And the notification on iPhone.

2013: Uber gets a major artistic upgrade.

2013: Uber gets a major artistic upgrade.

The app also takes on a more black-and-white, sharper design.

The app also takes on a more black-and-white, sharper design.

Uber is luxury.

Uber is luxury.

Uber is empowerment.

Uber is empowerment.

Uber is global.

Uber is global.

Meet the company: Travis Kalanick loves Wii Tennis.

Meet the company: Travis Kalanick loves Wii Tennis.

Uber introduces you to some of its drivers, humanizing them.

Uber introduces you to some of its drivers, humanizing them.

2014: Hello Uber for businesses.

2014: Hello Uber for businesses.

Safety becomes a concern.

Safety becomes a concern.

2015: Color is back, making it friendlier. Perhaps less sleek, but warmer.

2015: Color is back, making it friendlier. Perhaps less sleek, but warmer.

Regular guy: not in a rakish suit.

Regular guy: not in a rakish suit.

A focus on women's jobs.

A focus on women

And a focus on freedom.

And a focus on freedom.

Safety is expanded.

Safety is expanded.

Here's the sign-up page.


Uber now has its own newsroom.

Uber now has its own newsroom.

2016: The big logo redesign, ditching any semblance of intimidation.

2016: The big logo redesign, ditching any semblance of intimidation.

Very friendly.

Very friendly.

Even the cartoons feel more inviting.

Even the cartoons feel more inviting.

Uber wants everyone to just get along.

Uber wants everyone to just get along.

Uber works for the common good...

Uber works for the common good...

...and is taking over the world.

...and is taking over the world.
