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This app lets you do Weight Watchers without paying for it - and I can't believe how good it is

First, a look at the official Weight Watchers app on iOS, as a point of reference.

This app lets you do Weight Watchers without paying for it - and I can't believe how good it is

And here's how the main screen of iTrackBites looks.

And here

Here's a breakdown of the main screen. As you can probably tell, it's very similar to the official Weight Watchers app.


When you click to add something you've eaten to the tracker, here's the screen you see.

When you click to add something you

The "Pocket Guide" and USDA food lists are the go to databases to look up the foods you eat and add them to your daily log. But there are a few other useful databases to search in as well (some of which costs an extra dollar or two to access)

The "Pocket Guide" and USDA food lists are the go to databases to look up the foods you eat and add them to your daily log. But there are a few other useful databases to search in as well (some of which costs an extra dollar or two to access)

Once you're inside one of the databases, you just search for your foods and the corresponding point values show up. Many current Weight Watchers app users are going to wonder if these databases are as good as the official app. I won't lie, the answer is no. But they are still very solid and do pretty much everything you would need (at a much, much cheaper cost).

Once you

You can also create your own foods easily enough if you can't find them in the tracker. I use this a lot when I know the points value of a recipe and want to quickly add it.

You can also create your own foods easily enough if you can

As you can see, the beer database is very helpful (Although in the end, most regular beers are 5 points and light are 4).

As you can see, the beer database is very helpful (Although in the end, most regular beers are 5 points and light are 4).

It's very easy to create favorites and then access them for quick tracking. If you're like me and tend to eat similar stuff every day, this is a feature you will use constantly.


Just like the Weight Watchers app, you can track activity in iTrackBites. You can either search for it in the database ...

Just like the Weight Watchers app, you can track activity in iTrackBites. You can either search for it in the database ...

Or create it yourself.

Or create it yourself.

It also has a similar "Healthy Checks" section where you can track your nutrient types throughout the day.

It also has a similar "Healthy Checks" section where you can track your nutrient types throughout the day.

As well as a handy calculator to find the point values for foods that you couldn't otherwise find.

As well as a handy calculator to find the point values for foods that you couldn

Another easy and useful way to add foods to your tracker is the barcode scanner option. It simply uses your phone's camera to snap barcodes on packaging and find out the points value.

Another easy and useful way to add foods to your tracker is the barcode scanner option. It simply uses your phone

You can adjust your plan or input any weight change into the app through settings. The app easily adjusts your daily points allotment based on whatever you change the weight too. You can also customize your values.

You can adjust your plan or input any weight change into the app through settings. The app easily adjusts your daily points allotment based on whatever you change the weight too. You can also customize your values.

This app lets you do Weight Watchers without paying for it - and I can't believe how good it is

This app lets you do Weight Watchers without paying for it - and I can

And that's really all there is to it.

It's Weight Watchers without Weight Watchers for a fraction of the price.

But to be clear, the app does not associate itself with the company at all.

From its official website: "iTrackBites is not affiliated or endorsed by any weight loss system, but it was designed to be compatible with any weight loss system you may be using."

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