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These foolproof tips from LinkedIn will help you land your dream job

Although there are 11 million job openings a month in the US, a typical job search takes 6 months on average, according to LinkedIn.

These foolproof tips from LinkedIn will help you land your dream job

It's why LinkedIn wants you to be more tactical about your job search. Following these tips will certainly help you get a step closer to landing your dream job.


First things first, make sure your LinkedIn profile and resume are up-to-date. Remember, they are two separate things: resumes should be designed for specific positions, while LinkedIn profiles should be geared towards all potential employers. Here's former NFL star Patrick Willis' updated LinkedIn profile.

First things first, make sure your LinkedIn profile and resume are up-to-date. Remember, they are two separate things: resumes should be designed for specific positions, while LinkedIn profiles should be geared towards all potential employers. Here

Next, set up saved job alerts and email notifications for new openings that meet your needs. You can do this in LinkedIn's mobile app too.

Next, set up saved job alerts and email notifications for new openings that meet your needs. You can do this in LinkedIn

Read news articles to catch up on topics you might discuss in your interview. It can really help with your confidence.

Read news articles to catch up on topics you might discuss in your interview. It can really help with your confidence.

Make sure your photo looks professional. Some simple selfie tricks include: 1) smile 2) dress appropriately 3) shoot in a bright location.

Make sure your photo looks professional. Some simple selfie tricks include: 1) smile 2) dress appropriately 3) shoot in a bright location.

Write descriptive and aspirational summaries on your profile page. And show future potential in your experience section.

Write descriptive and aspirational summaries on your profile page. And show future potential in your experience section.

Ask a supervisor of each of your jobs to write a brief recommendation. Write one in return too.

Ask a supervisor of each of your jobs to write a brief recommendation. Write one in return too.

Include everything from degrees, majors, and past schools in your education section.

Include everything from degrees, majors, and past schools in your education section.

Building the right network is very important. There are 3 types of people to include in your circle: 1) Someone who knows you on a personal level 2) A well-connected individual who's willing to connect you with others 3) Subject matter expert in a specific industry.

Building the right network is very important. There are 3 types of people to include in your circle: 1) Someone who knows you on a personal level 2) A well-connected individual who

Use your these 3 channels to find job leads: 1) former bosses and coworkers 2) friends 3) cold contacts

Use your these 3 channels to find job leads: 1) former bosses and coworkers 2) friends 3) cold contacts

If you're shy about reaching out to cold contacts, follow these tips: 1) Find common ground with the contact 2) Get straight to the point 3) Keep things short 4) Offer something in return and say thank you.

If you

According to LinkedIn, 80% of positions are filled through referrals. That means the best way to get your foot in the door is through your own network.

According to LinkedIn, 80% of positions are filled through referrals. That means the best way to get your foot in the door is through your own network.

Once you get to the interview stage, make sure you answer the questions with these 3 things in mind: 1) stay relevant to the job 2) share your weakness head-on 3) Use anecdotes to leave a stronger impression.

Once you get to the interview stage, make sure you answer the questions with these 3 things in mind: 1) stay relevant to the job 2) share your weakness head-on 3) Use anecdotes to leave a stronger impression.

As CEO recruiter Jim Citron tells LinkedIn, the most important job interview skill is to "weave those questions into a story, a narrative that gives the interviewer a sense of who you are and what you’re about.”

As CEO recruiter Jim Citron tells LinkedIn, the most important job interview skill is to "weave those questions into a story, a narrative that gives the interviewer a sense of who you are and what you’re about.”

Follow the S.T.A.R. structure to answer in a more compelling way.

Follow the S.T.A.R. structure to answer in a more compelling way.

Don't forget to ask tough questions back, like, “What will I learn if I work here?”


Make sure you send a thank you note (email is fine) after the interview.

Make sure you send a thank you note (email is fine) after the interview.

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