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  3. These creepy photos of the International Space Station at night will remind you of Alien

These creepy photos of the International Space Station at night will remind you of Alien

A green, mesmerising hue in the darkness makes the station look like something out of the movie "Alien".

These creepy photos of the International Space Station at night will remind you of Alien

Two empty space suits don't make things any less creepy.

Two empty space suits don

A lone astronaut peers up from a door.

A lone astronaut peers up from a door.

Dim blue lights create a captivating scene inside the orbiting ISS.

Dim blue lights create a captivating scene inside the orbiting ISS.

Where, as you'd expect. there are a lot of wires.

Where, as you

Amongst the space age equipment floats a normal-looking laptop — a reminder that it's not all high-tech.

Amongst the space age equipment floats a normal-looking laptop — a reminder that it

It looks quite lonely at night.

It looks quite lonely at night.

And quiet.

And quiet.

The ISS is 72 metres long.

The ISS is 72 metres long.

And has a height of just 20 metres.

And has a height of just 20 metres.

This image is very spooky indeed — time to go to bed.

This image is very spooky indeed — time to go to bed.

This post was originally written by Joshua Barrie.

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