Monthly Matches
This stat shows the total number of matches these schools got last month (September). When looking at these numbers you have to take into account both the size of the school, and the location. There are probably a lot more potential dates for Columbia students and alumni if they cluster around New York City.
Here are the schools ordered by how many matches they got in September:
- Columbia
- Penn
- Harvard
- Cornell
- Brown
- Yale
- Dartmouth
- Princeton
Monthly Super Likes
Like total matches, this "Super Like" data doesn't take population into account. But still, Harvard comes out on top. Tinder's Super Likes let your prospective date know that you selected them even if they haven't liked you yet. If you aren't a premium subscriber, Tinder only gives you one Super Like per day.
The high ranking of Harvard suggests that if you went there, you are more likely to get a small pool of people who really want to go on a date with you, rather than overall high percentage of "yes" swipes (where Harvard comes last).
Here are the schools ordered by how many Super Likes they got in September:
- Harvard
- Penn
- Columbia
- Yale
- Cornell
- Princeton
- Brown
- Dartmouth
Monthly Social Groups
Tinder Social is Tinder's experiment in setting up people for casual group hangouts. The feature rolled out in the US in July. Again, these numbers are absolute, so take population into account when considering the data.
Here are the school ordered by how many Tinder Social groups they matched with in September:
- Cornell
- Harvard
- Penn
- Columbia
- Yale
- Brown
- Princeton
- Dartmouth