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There's a hidden one-handed keyboard in the latest version of iOS - here's how to turn it on

You're looking for the globe icon near the bottom of the keyboard. Here's where it is on an iPhone X.

There's a hidden one-handed keyboard in the latest version of iOS - here's how to turn it on

And here's where you'll find the globe on older iPhones.

And here

You'll need to long-press on the globe icon. Hold it down, and you'll pull up this menu. Those keyboard icons on the bottom are what you're looking for.


This is helpful for right-handed folks. See how the keyboard smushed onto the right side of the screen?

This is helpful for right-handed folks. See how the keyboard smushed onto the right side of the screen?

And there's a version for the lefties, too.

And there

If you love the one-handed keyboard enough that you want to make it the default, there's a setting in Settings > General > Keyboard.

If you love the one-handed keyboard enough that you want to make it the default, there General > Keyboard.' layout='fill' objectFit='cover' loading='lazy' width="700" height="400"/>

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