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The weirdest events at Cannes, where the world's top marketing gurus are gathering to guzzle rose and bask on yachts

Fake Cannes in New York

The weirdest events at Cannes, where the world's top marketing gurus are gathering to guzzle rose and bask on yachts

Heineken: Eliminating Bias Over a Beer

Heineken: Eliminating Bias Over a Beer

"Heineken launched its iconic commercial “Worlds Apart” to promote openness. Join Heineken and Publicis for a conversation about the insights behind the ad - from tackling bias head on, to building connections in divisive times."

Sometimes we're worried about all the problems in the world. But it's all good now.

Keith Barry Can Read Your Mind

Keith Barry Can Read Your Mind

Mentalism for Marketers. "Keith Barry is one of the world's leading mentalists and illusionists. In this interview, Keith will demonstrate his ability to read the minds of his subjects and his audience; he'll explore and identify the simple insights that can help marketers better understand, predict and promote customer Behaviour."

'Brave Brands.'

One of the featured themes from Cannes Lions' website, showcasing sessions featuring the likes of Lego and Unilever, is described as follows: "Stand-out creativity can only be achieved when clients take a leap of faith with their agency."

It's said that not all heroes wear capes. Some wear skinny jeans and write creative briefs.

Can Data Make you Funnier?

Can Data Make you Funnier?

If you are asking this question, no data will be able to help you.

The Art of Wabi-Sabi in Technology & Brand Design

The Art of Wabi-Sabi in Technology & Brand Design

From the description:"Some of the most brilliant minds at Facebook are embracing a Japanese creative principle called wabi-sabi: finding beauty in things that are imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete."


How Music and Football can Save Us (and your brand) hosted by the soccer-centric media company Copa90.

How Music and Football can Save Us (and your brand) hosted by the soccer-centric media company Copa90.

It's not clear that either can save us. But this panel also promises to explain how these dual passions tie into how brands now have a bigger responsibility these days to work toward social unity.

Networking Braindating

Networking Braindating

"Once in Cannes, you'll be able to browse, contact and set up 'braindates' with other delegates via the Cannes Lions app."

These are the people you want to party with at the Gutter Bar for sure.

Virtual reality wine tasting

Virtual reality wine tasting

There seems no better way to experience the French Riviera than by blocking out the scenery with a VR headset and seeing if wine tastes different if you are looking at different fake scenery.

Though in general, the terms "virtual reality" and "Cannes" are essentially redundant.
