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The rise of Larry Ellison, the jetsetting billionaire founder of Oracle

Lawrence Joseph Ellison was born in the Bronx on August 17th, 1944, the son of a single mother named Florence Spellman.

The rise of Larry Ellison, the jetsetting billionaire founder of Oracle

When he was nine months old, baby Larry came down with Pneumonia. His mom sent him to Chicago to live with his aunt and uncle, Lillian and Louis Ellison.

When he was nine months old, baby Larry came down with Pneumonia. His mom sent him to Chicago to live with his aunt and uncle, Lillian and Louis Ellison.

Louis, his adoptive father, was a Russian immigrant who took the name "Ellison" in tribute to the place he entered the United States — Ellis Island.

Louis, his adoptive father, was a Russian immigrant who took the name "Ellison" in tribute to the place he entered the United States — Ellis Island.

Ellison went to high school in Chicago's middle-class South Side, before attending the city's University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign.

Ellison went to high school in Chicago

When his adoptive mother passed away during his second year at college, Ellison dropped out. He tried college again later at the University of Chicago, but dropped out again after only one semester.

When his adoptive mother passed away during his second year at college, Ellison dropped out. He tried college again later at the University of Chicago, but dropped out again after only one semester.

Finally, in 1966, a 22-year-old Ellison would move to Berkeley, California — right near the future Silicon Valley, already the place where the burgeoning tech industry was taking off.

Finally, in 1966, a 22-year-old Ellison would move to Berkeley, California — right near the future Silicon Valley, already the place where the burgeoning tech industry was taking off.

He made the trip from Chicago to California in a flashy turquoise Thunderbird that he thought would make an impression in his new life.

He made the trip from Chicago to California in a flashy turquoise Thunderbird that he thought would make an impression in his new life.

Ellison bounced around from job to job, including stints at companies like Wells Fargo and mainframe manufacturer Amdahl. Along the way, he learned his computer and programming skills.

Ellison bounced around from job to job, including stints at companies like Wells Fargo and mainframe manufacturer Amdahl. Along the way, he learned his computer and programming skills.

The turning point came when Ellison came to work for an electronics company called Ampex, which had a contract to build a database for the CIA codenamed "Oracle."

The turning point came when Ellison came to work for an electronics company called Ampex, which had a contract to build a database for the CIA codenamed "Oracle."

In 1977, Ellison and partners Bob Miner and Ed Oates founded a new company called Software Development Laboratories. The company started with $2,000 of funding, $1,200 of which came out of Ellison's own pocket.

In 1977, Ellison and partners Bob Miner and Ed Oates founded a new company called Software Development Laboratories. The company started with $2,000 of funding, $1,200 of which came out of Ellison

Ellison and company were inspired by IBM computer scientist Edgar F Codd's theories for a so-called "relational database" — a way for computer systems to store and access information. Nowadays, they're taken for granted, but in the seventies, relational databases were a revolutionary new idea.

Ellison and company were inspired by IBM computer scientist Edgar F Codd

The first version of the Oracle database was version 2 (there was no version 1). In 1979, the company renamed itself Relational Software Inc., and in 1982, it formally became Oracle Systems Corporation, after its flagship product.

The first version of the Oracle database was version 2 (there was no version 1). In 1979, the company renamed itself Relational Software Inc., and in 1982, it formally became Oracle Systems Corporation, after its flagship product.

As one of the key drivers of the growing computer industry, Oracle grew fast. In 1986, Oracle had its IPO, reporting revenue of $55 million.

As one of the key drivers of the growing computer industry, Oracle grew fast. In 1986, Oracle had its IPO, reporting revenue of $55 million.

Still, in 1990, Oracle had to lay off 10 percent of its workforce, around 400 people, because of what Ellison later described as "an incredible business mistake:" Oracle was allowing its salespeople to book future sales in the current quarter, meaning that all of its numbers were skewed. It resulted in lawsuits and trouble with regulators.

Still, in 1990, Oracle had to lay off 10 percent of its workforce, around 400 people, because of what Ellison later described as "an incredible business mistake:" Oracle was allowing its salespeople to book future sales in the current quarter, meaning that all of its numbers were skewed. It resulted in lawsuits and trouble with regulators.

It didn't get the decade off to a great start. After adjusting for that huge error, Oracle was close to bankruptcy. Meanwhile, rivals like Sybase were eating away at Oracle's market share.

It didn

It took a few years, but by 1992, Ellison and Oracle managed to right the course with some new blood and the very popular Oracle7 database.

It took a few years, but by 1992, Ellison and Oracle managed to right the course with some new blood and the very popular Oracle7 database.

Larry Ellison is famous for his willingness to trash-talk competitors: For much of the nineties, Ellison and Oracle were locked in a public relations battle with competitor Informix — which went so far as to place a "Dinosaur Crossing" billboard outside of Oracle's Silicon Valley offices at one point.

Larry Ellison is famous for his willingness to trash-talk competitors: For much of the nineties, Ellison and Oracle were locked in a public relations battle with competitor Informix — which went so far as to place a "Dinosaur Crossing" billboard outside of Oracle

But Oracle just kept steamrolling over the competition. And with Ellison as Oracle's major shareholder, his millions just kept rolling in. He started to indulge some expensive hobbies — most famously, his penchant for yacht racing. That's Ellison at the helm during this 1995 race.

But Oracle just kept steamrolling over the competition. And with Ellison as Oracle

Ellison even managed to turn a potential loss into a big win. In 1999, Ellison's protege Marc Benioff left Oracle to work on a new startup called Ellison was an early investor, sinking $2 million into his friend's new venture.

Ellison even managed to turn a potential loss into a big win. In 1999, Ellison

When Benioff found out that Ellison had Oracle working on a direct competitor to Salesforce's product, he tried to force his mentor to quit the company's board. Instead, Ellison forced Benioff to fire him — meaning Ellison kept his shares in Salesforce.

When Benioff found out that Ellison had Oracle working on a direct competitor to Salesforce

Given that Salesforce is now a $40 billion company, it means that Ellison personally profits even when his competitors do well. It's led to a rocky relationship between the two executives that continues to this day, with both taking shots at each other in the press.

Given that Salesforce is now a $40 billion company, it means that Ellison personally profits even when his competitors do well. It

Similarly, Ellison made a $125 million investment in ex-Oracle exec Evan Goldberg's startup business management software firm NetSuite in 1998. Today, it's a $4 billion company.

Similarly, Ellison made a $125 million investment in ex-Oracle exec Evan Goldberg

In fact, Salesforce aside, the Dot-Com boom of the late nineties was a boom time for Oracle, too: All of those new dot-com companies needed databases, and Oracle was there to sell them.

In fact, Salesforce aside, the Dot-Com boom of the late nineties was a boom time for Oracle, too: All of those new dot-com companies needed databases, and Oracle was there to sell them.

When Steve Jobs returned to Apple as CEO in 1997, he asked Ellison to sit on the board. Ellison stuck around for a while, but felt that he couldn't devote the time.

When Steve Jobs returned to Apple as CEO in 1997, he asked Ellison to sit on the board. Ellison stuck around for a while, but felt that he couldn

With the coffers overflowing, Ellison was able to lead Oracle through a spending spree once the dot-com boom was over, and prices were low. In 2004, for example, Oracle snapped up HR software provider PeopleSoft for $10.3 billion.

With the coffers overflowing, Ellison was able to lead Oracle through a spending spree once the dot-com boom was over, and prices were low. In 2004, for example, Oracle snapped up HR software provider PeopleSoft for $10.3 billion.

And in 2009, Oracle bought Sun Microsystems — a server company that started around the same time as Oracle, in 1982. That acquisition gave Oracle lots of key technology, including control over the popular MySQL database.

And in 2009, Oracle bought Sun Microsystems — a server company that started around the same time as Oracle, in 1982. That acquisition gave Oracle lots of key technology, including control over the popular MySQL database.

Starting in the 2010s, Ellison started to take more of a backseat, handing more responsibilities to trusted lieutenants like Mark Hurd and Safra Catz...

Starting in the 2010s, Ellison started to take more of a backseat, handing more responsibilities to trusted lieutenants like Mark Hurd and Safra Catz...

...but his spending didn't slow down at all. In 2012, he famously bought the entire Hawaiian island of Lanai for an estimated $300 million.

...but his spending didn

Ellison has been married and divorced four times. Coupled with his extreme wealth, it's given him a reputation as an international, jetsetting playboy. Currently, he's said to be dating Nikita Kahn, a model and actress.

Ellison has been married and divorced four times. Coupled with his extreme wealth, it

In 2014, Ellison officially stepped down as Oracle CEO, handing control over to Hurd and Katz. At that time, Ellison held the title of fifth richest person in the world.

In 2014, Ellison officially stepped down as Oracle CEO, handing control over to Hurd and Katz. At that time, Ellison held the title of fifth richest person in the world.

Oracle itself is going through a painful transition — it was slow to adopt the cloud technology that's so popular in Oracle's crucial enterprise market. The upstart Amazon Web Services, for instance, is stealing Oracle customers away at an alarming pace.

Oracle itself is going through a painful transition — it was slow to adopt the cloud technology that

So while Ellison is technically not in the top spot, he's still Oracle's chairman and CTO, working to navigate the company through these choppy waters. And the rest, as they say, is history.

So while Ellison is technically not in the top spot, he

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