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The 21 toughest interview questions you'll have to answer if you want to work at Yahoo

"What gets you out of bed in the morning?" - Marketing associate candidate

The 21 toughest interview questions you'll have to answer if you want to work at Yahoo

"For mobile, which new application would you suggest Yahoo to develop? Why do you think Yahoo should develop it?" - Associate Product Manager candidate

"For mobile, which new application would you suggest Yahoo to develop? Why do you think Yahoo should develop it?" - Associate Product Manager candidate

"How would you handle correcting a mistake that your manager made?" - Software Engineer candidate

"How would you handle correcting a mistake that your manager made?" - Software Engineer candidate

"Use this white board to explain how multiple regression works. " - Research Scientist candidate

"Use this white board to explain how multiple regression works. " - Research Scientist candidate

"Given a string that contains a sentence, reverse each individual word in the sentence. For example, 'Hello to this world' becomes 'olleH ot siht dlrow'." - Software Engineer Intern candidate

"Given a string that contains a sentence, reverse each individual word in the sentence. For example,

"How would you distribute 1000 potatoes in 10 baskets?" - Software engineer candidate

"How would you distribute 1000 potatoes in 10 baskets?" - Software engineer candidate

"How does the internet work?" - Software Engineer candidate

"How does the internet work?" - Software Engineer candidate

"What is a company that is marketed poorly, and how would you market it differently? " - Associate Product Marketing Manager candidate

"What is a company that is marketed poorly, and how would you market it differently? " - Associate Product Marketing Manager candidate

"You have a 10x10x10 rubix cube. You paint the outside. How many cubes have paint on them? " - Software Engineer candidate

"You have a 10x10x10 rubix cube. You paint the outside. How many cubes have paint on them? " - Software Engineer candidate

"What is one thing you could teach the people in the other room?" - Service Engineering Operations candidate

"What is one thing you could teach the people in the other room?" - Service Engineering Operations candidate

"You're wearing a nametag. Tell me what you think about it." - Associate Product Manager candidate


"You have 10 jars, each filled with many marbles. Each marble weighs exactly 1.0 grams. One of the jars is a bad batch meaning each marble inside weighs 1.1 grams instead of 1.0 grams. You have a scale that will give you back a number of how much things weigh on it. Using only one measurement, determine how would you be able to find the bad batch." - Software Developer candidate

"You have 10 jars, each filled with many marbles. Each marble weighs exactly 1.0 grams. One of the jars is a bad batch meaning each marble inside weighs 1.1 grams instead of 1.0 grams. You have a scale that will give you back a number of how much things weigh on it. Using only one measurement, determine how would you be able to find the bad batch." - Software Developer candidate

"Design the game Tic Tac Toe." - Software Engineer Intern candidate

"Design the game Tic Tac Toe." - Software Engineer Intern candidate

"What will you do if the internet is not working?" - Software Engineer candidate

"What will you do if the internet is not working?" - Software Engineer candidate

"Find all the possible ways to reach a floor in a building if you can only take 1, 2, or 5 steps at a time." - Software Developer candidate

"Find all the possible ways to reach a floor in a building if you can only take 1, 2, or 5 steps at a time." - Software Developer candidate

"How will Google self-drive car change the public transit system if they are made available for general audience." - Product Manager candidate

"How will Google self-drive car change the public transit system if they are made available for general audience." - Product Manager candidate

"Who are key stakeholders for Yahoo paid search? How would you balance their interests as a product manager?" - Product Manager candidate

"Who are key stakeholders for Yahoo paid search? How would you balance their interests as a product manager?" - Product Manager candidate

"How would you monetize YouTube?" - Product Manager candidate

"How would you monetize YouTube?" - Product Manager candidate

"How would you design an elevator?" - Software Engineer candidate

"How would you design an elevator?" - Software Engineer candidate

"There are n gas stations positioned along a circular road. Each has a limited supply of gas. You can only drive clockwise around the road. You start with zero gas. Knowing how much gas you need to get from each gas station to the next and how much gas you can get at each station, design an algorithm to find the gas station you need to start at to get all the way around the circle." - Technical Architect candidate

"There are n gas stations positioned along a circular road. Each has a limited supply of gas. You can only drive clockwise around the road. You start with zero gas. Knowing how much gas you need to get from each gas station to the next and how much gas you can get at each station, design an algorithm to find the gas station you need to start at to get all the way around the circle." - Technical Architect candidate

"Estimate the volume of water on the Earth." - Senior Product Manager candidate

"Estimate the volume of water on the Earth." - Senior Product Manager candidate

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