scorecardTake Mario on a terrifying journey through the cosmos in 'No Mario's Sky'
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Take Mario on a terrifying journey through the cosmos in 'No Mario's Sky'

First, before I get into the game itself, I'd like to give it props for this amazing title screen. Solid work all around.

Take Mario on a terrifying journey through the cosmos in 'No Mario's Sky'

After a brief tutorial sequence where I forgot to take screenshots, I decided to start over. I started on this planet that looked innocent enough, until I saw the Goombas. They're terrifying. I need to get out of here.

After a brief tutorial sequence where I forgot to take screenshots, I decided to start over. I started on this planet that looked innocent enough, until I saw the Goombas. They

After running to the right for a little bit, I come to a gap too wide to jump across. What to do?

After running to the right for a little bit, I come to a gap too wide to jump across. What to do?

Turns out I have a spaceship. That's convenient! With the press of a button, I can board my ship and leave my home planet behind.

Turns out I have a spaceship. That

I'm straight up flying through space as Mario now. This is great. I didn't even need to mine Plutonium to fuel my launch thrusters. As you can see in the lower right, I'm now free to go to any planet I wish.


As I approach a planet, it gives me a little readout. That's neat!

As I approach a planet, it gives me a little readout. That

I soon regret my choice of planet when I see that this world's Goombas are enormous, and some of them are faceless. I found the nightmare factory.

I soon regret my choice of planet when I see that this world

After escaping from that horrible place, I found a planet that looked entirely like an underground level from "Super Mario Bros." Some of the Goombas here had faces like hammerhead sharks, and they were all hovering impotently in the air.

After escaping from that horrible place, I found a planet that looked entirely like an underground level from "Super Mario Bros." Some of the Goombas here had faces like hammerhead sharks, and they were all hovering impotently in the air.

I then found some Goombas that look like Bart Simpson. This is very amusing to me. This is Planet Springfield.

I then found some Goombas that look like Bart Simpson. This is very amusing to me. This is Planet Springfield.

After leaving Planet Springfield, I happen upon a world that looks alright until I find some giant, faceless Goombas that are bugging out in mid-air. I feel sorry for them. Almost.

After leaving Planet Springfield, I happen upon a world that looks alright until I find some giant, faceless Goombas that are bugging out in mid-air. I feel sorry for them. Almost.

But it gets worse. After running to the right for a little bit, I found a bit where a floating Bart Simpson Goomba is leading a gang of faceless grunts. This has to end. I killed them.

But it gets worse. After running to the right for a little bit, I found a bit where a floating Bart Simpson Goomba is leading a gang of faceless grunts. This has to end. I killed them.

On the next planet, I found these guys who have really bad hair and appear to be sad about it. I don't blame them.

On the next planet, I found these guys who have really bad hair and appear to be sad about it. I don

At this point, I decide poor Mario's seen enough of the galaxy's horrors for one lifetime. He sacrifices himself to the bad hair boys. And that, friends, is the kind of adventure that awaits in "No Mario's Sky."

At this point, I decide poor Mario
