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Top 10 most followed women on Instagram

  • Selena Gomez Recently broke the record of 400 Million followers on Instagram and became the most followed Woman on Instagram.

  • All top 10 Most followed women on Instagram have at least 200 Million followers.

  • The top 10 most followed women on Instagram list is dominated by Kardashians.

Instagram has become one of the most widely used social media platforms since its launch in 2010. Initially, Instagram was just a photo-sharing app, but over time it has introduced many other features such as reels, stories, and much more. It is the preferred hangout place for GenZ and even Millennials compared to other platforms.

Instagram has over 2 billion monthly active users on its platform, so not only for public figures but also for brands, Instagram is a great platform to reach their audience and customers. With that being said, the followers game becomes important because the follower count serves as a symbol of status, and we can correlate how famous a celebrity stacks up with the number of followers.
