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TikTok is letting users create tracks with AI — and some are hilariously awful

Jan 22, 2024, 21:43 IST
Business Insider
"Heart on my sleeve", which featured AI versions of Drake and the Weekend, went viral on TikTok. Getty Images
  • TikTok is testing a new feature that allows users to create tracks with AI.
  • Results for "AI Song" have been mixed, with many featuring out-of-tune vocals and bizarre lyrics.

The next viral TikTok track might just be created by AI.

The platform is testing a feature called "AI Song," which lets users generate their own backing tracks for videos.

Videos posted on TikTok show users entering prompts to generate lyrics and adjusting the genres of their AI-generated songs between pop, EDM, and hip-hop.

The new feature, which is not yet widely available, is powered by a large language model called Bloom, according to a disclosure seen in one of the videos.

Results seem to be mixed. Many of the songs have very out-of-tune vocals and frequently bizarre lyrics, with users using AI Song to create EDM raves about editing a TikTok on your iPhone, and pop ballads detailing how to make concrete.


A TikTok representative told Business Insider that it's testing the feature, which could be renamed. AI Song pairs AI-generated lyrics with music from an existing catalog, they added.

TikTok has faced controversy over AI-generated music in the past. "Heart on my sleeve," an AI-generated track performed by soundalike versions of Drake and the Weeknd, went viral last year before being taken down from Spotify and YouTube over copyright claims.

In November Bad Bunny attacked a TikTok song that used an AI version of his voice, saying people who listened to the track "don't deserve to be my friends" and weren't welcome at his concerts.

Many tech companies are grappling with how to deal with the deluge of content created by artificial intelligence. Spotify was forced to remove tens of thousands of tracks made using tools developed by AI startup Boomy in May.

TikTok's also attempted to restrict the spread of AI-generated content. Late last year the Bytedance-owned platform introduced new rules requiring users to label content made by AI.


"We are committed to respecting both the rights of our artist and rightsholder partners and those of our creator users, while protecting their works from abuse on our platforms," a TikTok representative said.

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