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How brands are reimagining customer experience in a digital-first economy

How brands are reimagining customer experience in a digital-first economy
With technology at the forefront, the world has been changing faster than ever. The COVID-19 pandemic further accelerated these shifts, plunging all into a digital-first world, and forcing even the most traditional businesses to transform and adopt digital strategies to remotely extend personalized and humanized experiences and services to their customers.

Business challenges in the new normal

COVID-19 brought with it a tide of uncertainty and disruption for all businesses. Multiple waves of the pandemic and lockdowns were unpredictable, making it harder for businesses to operate. The most practical solution was to go back to the drawing board to devise a customer strategy for the new normal.

A customer wants a quick yet uncomplicated experience online -- from browsing products to placing an order, every tap of the process requires attention to detail and personalization by the brand. As consumers continue to raise the bar for experiences they expect in today’s times, it’s becoming table stakes for brands to not only create compelling content but to deliver it to the right customer, at the right time, on the channel of their choice.

It’s not just the customer that’s online - back-end operations are also remote today, requiring cutting-edge tools that enable collaboration across teams, vendors, and other parties involved.

How Adobe is addressing these challenges

At Adobe Summit 2021, the company introduced new updates to its Adobe Experience Cloud- a collection of digital business products that helps brands deliver real-time data, scalable personalization, and every-channel delivery—all from a single platform, to their customers.

“The pandemic has shown that brands that put a laser focus on customer experience management come out in front,” said Anil Chakravarthy, EVP, GM Digital Experience Business at Adobe, while announcing numerous innovations aimed to help brands optimize their digital customer experiences and marketing campaigns.

Timely Action

Due to an accelerated digital transformation journey undertaken during the pandemic, HDFC Bank managed to promptly meet the demands of its customers remotely. It leveraged Adobe Experience Cloud to exponentially increase conversion rates and reduce the time to market by enabling premium self-service and shoppable experiences.

Humanising Content

When the 97-year-old automotive brand, MG Motor entered the Indian market three years back, one of the foremost challenges the company had to address was brand awareness. As a digital-first brand, it wanted a platform that would allow customers to have an immersive brand experience online with scalability being another goal.

MG Motor India leveraged the power of Adobe Experience Cloud, becoming the first OEM in the automotive space in India to use Adobe Experience Cloud in its entirety to create end-to-end solutions and cover all the customer touchpoints including physical dealerships, dealership websites, social media channels, television commercials, and even community building.

The company uses Adobe Experience Manager to facilitate the flow of content across different devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and desktops, thereby eliminating the need to redesign and recreate content to suit different formats and screens. The digital interactions between the brand and customers across these various channels are captured by Adobe Analytics. The insights gathered from these interactions are then leveraged to further deliver personalized customer experiences using Adobe Target. By using data generated by Adobe Audience Manager, second-party data collected from dealers and dealer websites, and third-party data, MG Motor has successfully been able to, and still continues to increase segment size and reach.

The need of the hour

Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca was able to leverage cutting-edge tech to roll out a vaccine quickly. It utilised Adobe Experience Manager to create a centralised repository of local data. A master template was set up to simulate the vaccine's action and then synced with localised models to ensure higher acceptability in adults globally.

All businesses are now digital businesses, and they need to continuously reinvent to cater to various expectations from the customers of today. While the situation continues to unfold, there is a need for businesses to invest in their Customer Experience Management (CXM) muscle and integrate the digital elements across the board. Adobe, being a trusted company in this sphere, is well equipped and uniquely positioned to support brands help their customers get what they want and when they want it.

DISCLAIMER: This is a sponsored article in partnership with Adobe.


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