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Part of the reason for this is historical - PayPal has always had a strong relationship with eBay - and was once owned by eBay - which Amazon has always treated as a direct competitor.
But that is not the entire story. It's possible to use Venmo to make purchases on Amazon using a Venmo Card.
Venmo offers a Mastercard debit card with which you can use to make purchases using your Venmo app balance. It's a physical debit card that you can carry in your wallet or purse, and use it at any store in the US that accepts Mastercard.
But more importantly, you can add the Venmo Card to your Amazon account and use it to make purchases as a debit card.
1. To get a Venmo card, start the Venmo app on your phone and then tap the three horizontal lines at the top left of the screen.
Apply for the Venmo debit card from within the Venmo app.Dave Johnson/Business Insider
Once you've received your Venmo Card, you can add it to your Amazon account or checkout cart to make purchases, just as you would with any other debit or credit card.