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AI, autonomous systems, and digital connectivity could help ships cut emissions

Amanda Paule   

AI, autonomous systems, and digital connectivity could help ships cut emissions
  • The shipping industry is thought to be behind on its goal of using 5% zero-emission fuels by 2030.
  • Autonomous and AI systems could help reduce ships' fuel use.
  • Tech initiatives such as data sharing and route optimization can help cut emissions and costs.

The object you're holding or the shirt you're wearing has most likely once been on a boat. Most of the goods we use have touched an industry thought to be responsible for 858 million metric tons of carbon-dioxide emissions last year: maritime shipping.

The International Maritime Organization has committed to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. But a recent analysis suggests the industry is struggling to take steps toward that goal, including using zero-emission options for 5% of its fuels by 2030.

The shipping giant AP Moller-Maersk and its parent company, AP Moller Holding, this year founded a subsidiary for green-methanol production. But sources of green methanol are limited, and even Maersk's CEO has said methanol won't be a silver bullet for the industry.

In addition to using biofuels and green methanol, Maersk is also relying on software to help it reduce emissions. The company told Business Insider it had grown its IT department to almost 6,000 software engineers from fewer than 2,000 in four years, largely to scale up its customer-facing logistics platforms, streamline its ship operations, and reach its sustainability goals.

A representative for Maersk said strategies to make the company's ships sail more efficiently are part of Maersk's calculation for reaching net zero.

As progress toward getting zero-emission fuels aboard lags, engineers and startups working with digital technology are hoping to fill the gap.

Autonomous tech and AI can help streamline sailing and cut fuel costs

Over the past decade, startups across the world have started tackling autonomous shipping. Companies such as Unleash Future Boats and Seafar are working on unmanned waterborne trucks operating in ports and partially or fully remote-controlled ships operating along rivers and coasts.

Michael Johnson, a marine engineer who was formerly an executive at companies including Crowley Maritime, said he founded Sea Machines Robotics in 2016 after realizing the industry needed to push beyond the manual technologies of the 20th century.

"The only time the maritime industry is ever on the front page of a paper is when there's an accident. But there's much more to us than that," Johnson, who's also Sea Machines' CEO, told BI.

Sea Machines has raised more than $40 million so far to develop products including an AI-based computer vision sensor for ships. It also aims to give boats a self-pilot option via an autonomous control system.

Sea Machines has its autonomous control systems integrated in smaller workboats, and Johnson said it plans to introduce them to larger fleets in 2024.

Johnson said he saw that decarbonization was not only a bonus of Sea Machines' technology but its best value proposition.

He said that because Sea Machines' system is directly connected to a ship's propulsion system, it can control fuel use better than a human operator could. Recent research suggests next-generation autonomous ships could help cut carbon emissions by about 10%.

"When you're burning a hundred tons of fuel a day that costs $650 a ton, it's significant savings," Johnson said.

In a market where biofuels and synthetic fuels can cost at least twice as much as fossil fuels, Johnson said he hopes that fuel savings from autonomy can help encourage the uptake of zero-emission fuels required by the industry's net-zero ambitions.

New control systems and interfaces can help crews optimize operations

For an industry with over 100,000 vessels, decarbonization will take effort from a variety of companies and technologies. These companies are primarily exploring green energy from ammonia, nuclear reactions, and wind, as well as technology like AI-powered route-optimization software.

As more technologies are introduced, a ship's operator has to take in more information and act on it. Johnson said an autonomous system could help manage the output from optimization apps and alleviate information overload.

"It's much like what you see in the very efficient distribution networks like Amazon distribution network, where they've tied their robots to their logistics software, enabling an immense amount of productivity," Johnson said. "I think we can do that on the oceans as well."

A startup called Smart-Ship is taking a similar approach. Rather than automating certain parts of the voyage, Smart-Ship aims to recommend the safest or most efficient controls for an operator to use at a given moment.

Smart-Ship offers what's called a force-feedback lever — essentially a high-tech version of the joysticks that control a ship's throttle, thrust, and rotation. The company has sold a little over 100 of them so far.

While traditional levers are static, Smart-Ship's version is designed to use subtle movements or resistance to signal to an operator to reduce throttle when approaching an object, steer away when approaching shallow water, or change speed when there's an option to use fuel more efficiently.

"People really need to rethink the way they're sailing ships," said Jelle Tiemensma, Smart-Ship's cofounder and chief technology officer.

While these companies don't imagine that large ships will be fully unmanned anytime soon, they're betting that advanced software and intuitive interfaces can help crew members sail more sustainably.

The industry needs more collaboration and digital connectivity

Sofia Fürstenberg Stott, a sustainability consultant for industry stakeholders such as ship owners, manufacturers, and insurance companies, said that so far the industry's sustainability projects have been small-scale, like pilot programs for new maritime tech.

"We are not yet in the scale-up phase where we have established the business models and the new working environment," Stott said.

To move beyond that, Stott said, companies need to come together to create a plan like the Sustainable Shipping Initiative's Roadmap to prod them to actually take steps toward net-zero emissions by 2050.

"That benefit may not be a benefit that you can count in dollars next year, or even five years from now," Stott said. "But it's about staying sustainable for the long term."

Mikael Lind, a research advisor specializing in maritime informatics at the Research Institutes of Sweden, said one of the shipping industry's obstacles to decarbonization is a lack of digital connectivity.

"We need to understand the deviation between plan and the actual outcome," Lind said. "In the aviation sector, this is rather simple, because if you're up in the air you have flight trackers and you know that the plane needs to be down on the ground pretty soon, otherwise it would crash."

But with boats, data isn't always available for cargo owners to track their shipments. Storms or alternate routes can cause multiday delays. And when ships arrive at a busy port, they may need to idle for days to wait for an open spot to unload.

Lind and his team are working with industry partners like the port operator PSA International to pilot a data-sharing initiative called virtual watchtowers to better keep an eye on disruptions in the supply chain.

And the industry is working on logistics technologies to help achieve so-called just-in-time arrivals. By slightly slowing their routes in order to arrive at a port only when there's an open spot, ships could cut their annual emissions.

In an industry struggling to gather the biofuels it needs to keep pace with its decarbonization goals, shippers will need to embrace any emissions-saving technologies they can to reach net zero.

"There's a lot of focus on how can you utilize existing technologies, existing ship infrastructure, in order to get to a point where you're much more carbon-emission free?" Lind said. "And this is super complex."

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