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4 ways to make more money from your podcast and maximize downloads, according to a top producer

Alyssa Meyers   

4 ways to make more money from your podcast and maximize downloads, according to a top producer
Lauren LoGrasso

Courtesy of Lauren LoGrasso

Lauren LoGrasso podcasting with guest Ian Maxion

  • Content creators of all kinds are trying their hands at podcasting, but with so much competition, it can be hard for independent shows to make money.
  • Many new podcasters give up if their show isn't popular right away, but downloads aren't everything, and there are workarounds to attract advertisers, said podcast producer and host Lauren LoGrasso.
  • Good cover art and guest appearances can help spike downloads, LoGrasso said, and advertising opportunities are available if you know where to look.
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Anyone can start a podcast, but can they make money from it?

Lauren LoGrasso, an executive producer on female-led shows in the Cadence13 podcast network, knows a thing or two about how to succeed in podcasting.

In addition to her production work, LoGrasso recently launched her own independent show, "Unleash Your Inner Creative," and gives talks about podcasting at conferences like the Girlboss Rally.

LoGrasso got her start in audio by hosting a radio show at Michigan State University, then went on to work as a host and producer at AfterBuzz TV, an online broadcast network created by Maria Menounos that's known for its TV show recap podcasts.

LoGrasso also produced radio shows at SiriusXM before joining Cadence13, where she now serves as an executive producer on shows like Gwyneth Paltrow's "The goop Podcast" as well as podcasts hosted by Maria Shriver and Lauren Conrad.

With so much competition in the podcast industry, LoGrasso said independent podcasters in particular struggle to establish themselves. Here are the ways she said new podcasters can get their shows noticed and turn a profit as soon as possible.

1. Don't abandon your show, even if it isn't an immediate hit

Podcasts require few overhead costs to produce, so new podcasters won't run into many barriers creating their first episode. Hosting platforms like Anchor and Acast provide access to editing services for beginners, but the low barrier to entry means that the podcast ecosystem is saturating fast.

"The biggest mistake people make when they're starting out is giving up too quickly," LoGrasso said.

If a podcast episode is downloaded more than 136 times within its first 30 days, it's considered to be in the top 50% of podcasts, LoGrasso said. This benchmark is considered an industry norm, also cited by Adweek and The Podcast Host, a digital resource for podcasters.

As podcasters look to increase their monthly downloads, LoGrasso said they should consider inviting guests onto their shows to encourage audience growth. Guests 0ften have their own social-media following and can share podcasts with potential listeners who wouldn't have discovered them otherwise.

When it comes to podcasting, listeners judge the book by its cover, so cover art can also contribute to downloads.

Don't make the cover of your podcast a photo of you face (unless you're a celebrity), LoGrasso said, and try to relate the artwork to the narrative or topic of the podcast.

2. Start small with advertising to gain experience

Once a podcast is being downloaded, it has the potential to generate ad revenue immediately. LoGrasso said for her own show, she uses Anchor for monetization as well as hosting capabilities, and recommends other podcasters look into using a distributor to sell ads for them.

Most ad sales companies require a certain number of monthly downloads for podcasts to opt in. Spreaker Prime, a programmatic ad sales platform, requires podcasts to have 5,000 downloads per month in order to participate.

LoGrasso recommends Anchor for new podcasters, since the company doesn't have download requirements. Anchor was able to sell ads into LoGrasso's show right away, she said, but her earnings vary month to month depending on downloads.

Anchor typically sells ads into LoGrasso's show at a $20 CPM, but she uses a CPM of $25 when she makes ad deals herself.

In addition to using a distributor, podcasters can start generating ad interest by reaching out to small businesses. LoGrasso landed one of her first ads by making a deal with a friend who recently launched a startup selling perfume.

"If you're not getting enough downloads to make money yet, you might want to do a trade," LoGrasso said.

Podcasters can trade ads for products, or ask advertisers to share links to episodes as opposed to paying for an ad. This strategy contributes to audience growth, and also gives hosts experience reading ads and makes them look more legitimate.

If advertising still isn't working out, podcasters are increasingly turning to membership platform Patreon to make a living.

3. Share more than just download numbers to score ad deals

Major podcast production companies usually consider 50,000 to 200,000 downloads per episode significant in terms of advertising potential, LoGrasso said, although advertisers also look at statistics like completion and conversion rates.

An independent podcast with 8,000 to 10,000 per episode can expect to make significant ad revenue, LoGrasso said, but it's hard to compete with download numbers of established networks. New podcasters should look to share additional numbers and evidence of engagement with potential advertisers as a workaround.

If a podcast has done a live show, for instance, the hosts can use attendance numbers to show their fans are invested and engaged in the show. Merchandise sales can also demonstrate a host's ability to encourage traffic to external sites.

4. Don't staff up too quickly

It doesn't take a big team to produce a podcast, so for podcasters who are able, LoGrasso said to handle as much production work as possible without hiring additional staff.

With her production experience, LoGrasso said she was able to earn a profit right away because she didn't have anyone else to pay and no overhead costs.

"You're going to see money quicker if you're the one at the helm," LoGrasso said.

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