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Meet the power players at Alphabet, the new parent company of Google

Even though Larry Page isn't the CEO of Google anymore, he's still the one running the show as the CEO of Alphabet.

Meet the power players at Alphabet, the new parent company of Google

Sundar Pichai got bumped to be CEO of Google.

Sundar Pichai got bumped to be CEO of Google.

While Page gets to focus more on the moonshots and big picture goals, Pichai now gets authority over the company's cash cow ads business as CEO of Google proper.

YouTube also still falls under Pichai's domain (though the video platform also has its own CEO: Susan Wojcicki), as do products like Maps and Android.

Pichai is a long-time Google vet, having started at the company way back in 2004.

Tony Fadell, CEO of Nest, focuses on making intelligent (and elegant) hardware for your home.

Tony Fadell, CEO of Nest, focuses on making intelligent (and elegant) hardware for your home.

Fadell runs the smart-home company that Google bought for $3.2 billion in 2014.

So far, Nest has three main products: a smart thermostat, a smart smoke detector, and a smart home-security camera that it launched after its $555 million acquisition of Dropcam.

Before running Nest, Fadell worked at Apple for seven years, where he was most well-known as being the "Father of the iPod."

On the side, Fadell also oversees Google Glass.

As CEO of Verily, Andy Conrad wants to shift medicine from "reactive to proactive, from intervention to prevention."

As CEO of Verily, Andy Conrad wants to shift medicine from "reactive to proactive, from intervention to prevention."

Verily rebranded from "Google Life Sciences" late last year and constitutes Alphabet's foray into using technology to better prevent and detect disease.

It's taking on some incredibly ambitious projects, including smart contact lenses to monitor your body's glucose levels and nanoparticles that will be able to search the human body for cancer.

Conrad, who leads these audacious medical efforts, previously cofounded the National Genetics Institute in 1991. As chief scientist there, he developed a new way to test for HIV and other viruses in blood-plasma donations that was much faster and cheaper than previous testing procedures.

Arthur Levinson is tackling human longevity as CEO of Calico.

Arthur Levinson is tackling human longevity as CEO of Calico.

Calico is a biotech company focused on figuring out how to fight aging and extend human life.

Although it's a research and development lab similar to Verily, it's scope is even more broad (looking at longevity more generally versus specific diseases). It recently formed a partnership with genealogy company Ancestry which will let it use the company's DNA data to find traits that lead to longer live spans.

Before coming to Google, Levinson ran drug company Genentech for more than ten years. He's worked on more than 80 scientific articles and been awarded 11 patents.

He's also currently chairman of the board at Apple.

As CEO of Sidewalk Labs, Dan Doctoroff wants to revamp urban life.

As CEO of Sidewalk Labs, Dan Doctoroff wants to revamp urban life.

Sidewalk Labs aims to improve cities by using technology to take on issues like transportation, cost of living, and energy use. One of the company's first investments actually launched in January: Sidewalk Labs funds the company that just debuted super-fast free Wi-Fi hubs in New York City.

That Sidewalk launched its first initiative there isn't a surprise, because before joining Alphabet, Doctoroff served as CEO of Bloomberg and deputy mayor of economic development and rebuilding for New York City.

Astro Teller heads up X, where some of the company's wildest ambitions are born.

Astro Teller heads up X, where some of the company

The company's secretive "moonshot" lab works on initiatives like Project Loon, which creates internet-beaming balloons and Project Wing, which is trying to build delivery drones.

Technically, Alphabet's self-driving cars still fall under X too, but those efforts will likely break out into a separate Alphabet subsidiary later this year.

Teller himself has worked at Google for the last five years, and previously founded five businesses.

Also, his real name is actually Eric. (We were disappointed too.)

Bill Maris makes investing decisions as the head of GV (formerly called "Google Ventures")

Bill Maris makes investing decisions as the head of GV (formerly called "Google Ventures")

Maris founded the venture capital arm GV in 2009 and the division has so far poured money into company's like Uber, ecommerce company Jet, and Impossible Foods, which makes plant-based versions of animal products like meat and cheese.

Maris recently told Business Insider that GV invested in 29 companies last year and that he planned to focus on finding interesting life sciences startups to support in 2016.

Instead of focusing on smaller startups, David Lawee leads the growth equity fund Google Capital.

Instead of focusing on smaller startups, David Lawee leads the growth equity fund Google Capital.

Although Capital is its own Alphabet subsidiary, it's linked more closely to Google than GV is.

"We identify where we can make the biggest difference for any given company, then we connect them with the right expert advisors within Google," the company writes in its mission statement.

Before founding Google Capital, Lawee led Google's mergers and acquisitions team for five years, after being the VP of marketing at the search giant for several years before that. All told, he's been at the company more than 10 years.

Craig Barratt runs Alphabet's Access and Energy division, which is best known for its super-fast internet service, Fiber.

Craig Barratt runs Alphabet

Lacking a catchy name, the "Access and Energy" group that Barratt leads encompasses several different projects, like the fiber-optic internet business, it's international fiber initiative Link, and Project Sunroof, which encourages people to equip their homes with solar panels.

Barratt joined from semiconductor company Atheros Communcations in 2014.

You may have noticed preponderance of men... Right now, Ruth Porat, Alphabet's CFO, and Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube, are the two highest ranking women at the company.

You may have noticed preponderance of men... Right now, Ruth Porat, Alphabet

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