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Meet Apple's Most Important Internet Executive, Eddy Cue

Axel Jessen, Apple

Meet Apple's Most Important Internet Executive, Eddy Cue

Blake Roberts, Pier to Pier Brokers

Blake Roberts, Pier to Pier Brokers

Robert, a former Apple executive, now works in real estate in the Los Angeles area.

Brenda Spoonemore, Dwellable

Brenda Spoonemore, Dwellable

Spoonemore's Foursquare profile was unlinked to other accounts, but we quickly found her professional connection to Cue: As SVP of interactive services at the NBA, she signed a deal to bring basketball games to iTunes in 2006. She's now CEO of Dwellable.

Brian Larson, Apple

Brian Larson, Apple

Larson is head of content acquisition at Apple—a pretty key role for iTunes. He joined in 2003 from Yahoo, where he spent most of his six-year tenure working on music products.

Courtney Holt, Maker Studios

Courtney Holt, Maker Studios

As a record-label executive, Holt did a groundbreaking deal to put iTunes downloads inside a video game. He's now COO at Maker Studios, a YouTube-focused video network which also uses iTunes to distribute its artists' work.

James Higa, Philanthropic Ventures Foundation

James Higa, Philanthropic Ventures Foundation

While Cue gets most of the credit for iTunes' success, Higa, an early Apple employee who returned to the company in 2001, did the early deals that launched the iTunes Store, while Cue focused on building the e-commerce infrastructure for it. Higa had much more direct experience negotiating with music labels from his experience as a RealNetworks executive.

Dave Morin, Path

Dave Morin, Path

Before joining Facebook and starting his own company, Path, Morin got his career start at Apple and retains close ties to executives there.

Jeff Klein, NCCI Holdings

Jeff Klein, NCCI Holdings

We had trouble figuring out the connection between Klein, a search-engine-optimization expert, and Cue—until we saw that Klein runs the website for Duke Blue Devils coach Mike Krzyzewski. (Cue is a Duke alum and a huge Blue Devils fan.)

Joe Hayashi, Numenta

Joe Hayashi, Numenta

Hayashi, a former Apple executive, now works with the cofounders of Palm at Numenta.

John Kosner, ESPN

John Kosner, ESPN

Kosner is the EVP and GM of ESPN's print and digital media. ESPN has long been an iTunes content partner.

Josh James, Domo

Josh James, Domo

James cofounded Omniture, which he sold to Adobe in 2009. We're guessing James and Cue know each other because Apple was a key Omniture customer—something which got both companies in trouble over a lack of privacy disclosures back in 2006.

Shaan Pruden, Apple

Shaan Pruden, Apple

Pruden, who works in developer relations, has been called the most powerful woman at Apple.

Kenny Gersh, MLB Advanced Media

Kenny Gersh, MLB Advanced Media

MLB Advanced Media is another iTunes content partner.

Payam Mirrashidi, Apple

Payam Mirrashidi, Apple

Mirrashidi is an engineering director at Apple. He has a critical patent on redownloading digital media.

Mike Janes, former Apple executive

Mike Janes, former Apple executive

Janes, who most recently worked at Wize Commerce, ran Apple's online store for five years. Wize Commerce bought Janes's previous company, FanSnap, which counted Cue as an advisor.

Patrice Gautier, Apple

Patrice Gautier, Apple

Gautier, an engineering VP, is a critical player inside the company, overseeing the iTunes Store and iCloud. He has several patents related to digital media.

He also seems to be involved in Apple's recent hire of the team from Color Labs, the troubled startup that imploded last year. A lawsuit by an ex-Color employee mentioned that Gautier would be overseeing the group.

Jeff Robbin, Apple

Jeff Robbin, Apple

Robbin created iTunes—literally. He cowrote a music-playing application called SoundJam MP, which Apple bought and turned into iTunes. He was deemed so critical to Apple that Steve Jobs would not allow Time magazine to publish his last name in an article. He's now reportedly heading up Apple's efforts to break into the TV business.

Tony Fadell, Nest

Tony Fadell, Nest

We puzzled over this unlinked profile for awhile. Then we found a tell-tale clue: Tony F. was friends with Rob C.—Rob Coneybeer, a venture capitalist at Shasta Ventures.

Coneybeer is an investor in Nest, the home-automation startup.

And Nest was cofounded by a Tony F.—Tony Fadell, the father of the iPod, who obviously worked closely with Cue at Apple.

Mystery solved!

Now read about the guy who Cue might do a deal with ...

Now read about the guy who Cue might do a deal with ...

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