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LEAKED: Internal Uber Deck Reveals Staggering Revenue And Growth Metrics

The Uber presentation mostly shows December 2013 data, which BI compiled into a bunch of charts. So here's what monthly revenue looked like in Uber's top markets, almost one year ago. There's a dip the week of Christmas, and a surge during New Years Eve, Uber's biggest night of the year.

LEAKED: Internal Uber Deck Reveals Staggering Revenue And Growth Metrics

Here's how much Uber generated in December 2013 in four of its top markets.


Where's that revenue coming from? Well, there are tens of thousands of Uber rides completed in Uber's top markets every week.


And new users are signing up all the time. Some of them are incentivized with promotions, which can total more than $300,000 in Uber giveaways per market per month. Burn, baby, burn.

And new users are signing up all the time. Some of them are incentivized with promotions, which can total more than $300,000 in Uber giveaways per market per month. Burn, baby, burn.

Last December, here's how many Uber drivers were active on average every week in top markets.

Last December, here

Uber closely tracks what percentage of all rides in each market have surge pricing. Here's the average percent of weekly surge rides in top markets last December.

Uber closely tracks what percentage of all rides in each market have surge pricing. Here

The biggest night of Uber's year is always New Year's Eve. Revenue skyrocketed that night from a few million in 2012 to nearly $11 million in 2013.

The biggest night of Uber

Here's Uber's $10.7 million day, broken down by market.


Here's some more detailed city-by-city data from the leaked presentation Business Insider reviewed. Here's San Francisco's data for the month of December 2013. It generated about $17.7 million then, which is an annual revenue run rate of about $213 million.


LA is a massive market for Uber. Here's some detailed data from last December, broken out by Uber Black and Uber X.

LA is a massive market for Uber. Here

Uber also crushes it in Chicago. Here are some deep metrics on Chicago's number of completed rides, surge pricing, active drivers and active users from last December. It generated about $12.7 million, or an annual revenue run rate of $152 million.

Uber also crushes it in Chicago. Here are some deep metrics on Chicago

The midwest alone was generating a $277 million annual revenue run rate for Uber last December.

The midwest alone was generating a $277 million annual revenue run rate for Uber last December.

NYC is also a major Uber market. It generated more than $26 million last December. That's a $312 million annual run rate in NYC alone. But notice the net revenue and ~ $318,000 marketing burn.

NYC is also a major Uber market. It generated more than $26 million last December. That

This chart seems to show how many Uber trips occurred in November 2013 and December 2013 by area. New Jersey nearly doubled.

This chart seems to show how many Uber trips occurred in November 2013 and December 2013 by area. New Jersey nearly doubled.

UberX ate into NYC's Uber Black market a ton during 2013. Here's how quickly UberX has grown in NYC.

UberX ate into NYC

Despite intense regulatory battles, Uber is popular in the Washington DC area. It generated about $11.7 million in DC last December, which is an annual revenue run rate of about $141 million. Again, there was a ~ $316,000 marketing burn.

Despite intense regulatory battles, Uber is popular in the Washington DC area. It generated about $11.7 million in DC last December, which is an annual revenue run rate of about $141 million. Again, there was a ~ $316,000 marketing burn.

How's Uber doing outside the US? London, which has been dominated by Hailo, is slowly turning in Uber's favor. Here's the progress Uber made there late last year.


Finally, here's a city-by-city breakdown of Uber's biggest day of the year, New Year's Eve 2013. This shows just how much Uber relies on its established markets for revenue generation. While it generated nearly $11 million that day, the median city generated a mere $22,226.

Finally, here

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