scorecardI created my own custom font in 5 minutes - and now I can use it on my phone or computer
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I created my own custom font in 5 minutes - and now I can use it on my phone or computer

You're given a blank canvas with some loose guides.

I created my own custom font in 5 minutes - and now I can use it on my phone or computer

Tracing makes it easier to make uniformly sized letters, but also add some style.

Tracing makes it easier to make uniformly sized letters, but also add some style.

Numbers and symbols are included too...

Numbers and symbols are included too...

... even international ones!

... even international ones!

Once you're done you can easily export your font.

Once you

And view it on a contact sheet to see how it looks all together.

And view it on a contact sheet to see how it looks all together.

When you're ready to build it, you're given the chance to name your font, but also share it through the developer's website.

When you

Once the font is "built" you can install it on your iOS device.

Once the font is "built" you can install it on your iOS device.

Access to the font comes through installing a certificate.

Access to the font comes through installing a certificate.

Then it's accessible through programs with access to iOS's font library.

Then it


