How to cancel your Tidal subscription, no matter how you signed up for it
- You can cancel most Tidal subscriptions through the Tidal app or website.
- If you subscribed to Tidal through a third-party service like a cell phone provider, you'll need to cancel it through that service.
If you want to cancel Tidal before your trial ends so you're not charged for the subscription, or you simply want to end your service, you can do it in just a few clicks.
The steps vary, though, depending on what device you're using — a Mac or PC, or an iPhone or Android.
Check out the products mentioned in this article:
iPhone 11 (From $699.99 at Apple)
Samsung Galaxy S10 (From $699.99 at Walmart)
Apple Macbook Pro (From $1,299.00 at Apple)
Acer Chromebook 15 (From $179.99 at Walmart)
How to cancel Tidal using the mobile app
1. Start the Tidal app on your iPhone or Android device.
2. Click "My Collection" at the bottom-right of the screen.
3. Click the settings icon at the top-right (it's shaped like a gear).
4. Tap your account icon at the top of the screen and then tap "Manage Subscription." The app will now open a mobile version of the Tidal website. You might need to log into your account again.
5. Tap "Subscription."
6. Tap "Cancel my subscription."
How to cancel Tidal using the website
1. Open Tidal in your browser and log in if you're not already signed into your Tidal account.
2. Click your account icon at the top left of the screen and choose "Manage Subscription."
3. Click "Subscription."
4. On the "Your Subscription" page, click "Cancel my subscription."
How to cancel Tidal through a third-party subscription
If you're unable to cancel your subscription using the web page or the mobile app, you're probably subscribing to Tidal through a third-party service that offered a Tidal subscription as a benefit, such as your cell phone provider.
You should contact that provider to see how to cancel your Tidal service.
Related coverage from Tech Reference:
How to download from Tidal and listen to music offline
How to log out of Tidal and deauthorize devices through the website or mobile app
How to turn shuffle play on and off on Tidal's website and mobile app
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