How to cancel a DoorDash order and receive a refund
- You can cancel a DoorDash order at any time before it's delivered by going to the "Orders" menu.
- DoorDash will only give full refunds on orders that haven't been confirmed by the restaurant or assigned to a driver.
- If you try to cancel after the order is confirmed, you'll only be refunded at most the delivery charge and tip.
DoorDash, an online food delivery service, has been growing steadily for years, to the point that DoorDash is nearly synonymous with food delivery apps.
If you're someone who uses these apps semi-regularly, chances are you'll need to cancel a DoorDash order at some point. Maybe the estimated delivery time is too long, or maybe you realized you forgot you already made dinner plans - regardless of the reason, you can cancel your DoorDash order at any time.
Just note that if you're looking to get a refund, you'll need to cancel quick.
What kind of refund to expect when cancelling your DoorDash order
How long it takes you to cancel your DoorDash order determines your refund.
If you cancel before the restaurant confirms the order or DoorDash assigns a courier, you'll be able to receive a full refund for your purchase - but you should note that the window of time to do this is usually only a few seconds.
If you cancel after the restaurant confirms the order but before a courier is assigned, or vice versa, you'll receive a partial refund. This is because DoorDash may still have to pay the driver for any driving they've already done, or the restaurant for food they've already begun preparing.
If you cancel your order after both of these criteria have been filled, then you won't receive a refund. At that point, it's your choice whether to simply allow the food to be delivered or cancel it anyway.
How to cancel a DoorDash order through the mobile app
- Go to the "Orders" tab at the bottom of the screen.
At the top of the Orders menu, find your in-progress order - it should appear at the top of the list - and tap "View Order."
Go to the Orders tab, find the order you want to cancel, and tap "View Order."Melanie Weir/Insider Tap "Help" in the top-right corner of the screen.
Tap "Help" to begin the process for canceling your order.Melanie Weir/Insider This will bring up a Customer Support menu. Select "Can I cancel my order?" from the menu to continue.
Tap "Can I cancel my order?"Melanie Weir/Insider DoorDash will notify you of your refund type - a full, partial, or no refund. If you still want to cancel, tap "Cancel order" to finish.
Select “Cancel order” to finish.Melanie Weir/Insider
How to cancel a DoorDash order on desktop
Click the hamburger menu in the upper-left corner of the landing page to open the menu.
Melanie Weir/Business InsiderMelanie Weir/Business Insider Select "Orders" from the menu.
Click "Orders."Melanie Weir/Insider - Select the order you want to cancel.
Click "Cancel Order."
Cancel your order.Melanie Weir/Insider - Confirm that you want to cancel. You'll be shown what type of refund you can receive beforehand.