How to cancel a Blue Apron meal delivery subscription when you no longer need it
- You can cancel Blue Apron from your computer with just a few clicks.
- Though Blue Apron makes it easier to pause your subscription, full cancellation is also an option from your computer.
Though we judged Blue Apron to be the best meal kit delivery service, you may have found a box that better fits your taste or no longer find the need for a meal kit subscription - in which case, you'll want to cancel your ongoing Blue Apron deliveries.
On initial inspection, it seems as though you have to email the Blue Apron team to cancel an account, as clicking through the website will only allow you to skip food delivery weeks, rather than outright cancel them all.
But don't worry, there is a way you can cancel your subscription from your computer. No email to customer support is necessary.
How to cancel a Blue Apron subscription
1. With a web browser of your choice, navigate to
2. You'll be directed to a Manage Your Account page, but with access to a shortcut for account cancellation. Click "Cancel Your Account."
3. If you like, you can select a reason why you're canceling your Blue Apron subscription. Otherwise, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click "Cancel Account" to finalize.
You're all set. You can reactivate your account immediately if you've changed your mind, or later by logging back on to the Blue Apron website.
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