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Here's how to tell if you could make a boatload of money as a programmer

More than half of male programmers got into computers at 15 or younger, ...

Here's how to tell if you could make a boatload of money as a programmer

... but two-thirds of women became interested in computer science at age 16 or later.

... but two-thirds of women became interested in computer science at age 16 or later.

More than two-thirds of men achieved high-school GPAs of 3.6 or better, but men are more likely than women to have low GPAs.

More than two-thirds of men achieved high-school GPAs of 3.6 or better, but men are more likely than women to have low GPAs.

Meanwhile, 81% of women in computer science fields say they had GPAs of 3.6 or higher in high school.

Meanwhile, 81% of women in computer science fields say they had GPAs of 3.6 or higher in high school.

Nearly 41% of male coders admitted to waiting until the last minute to do school assignments, ...

Nearly 41% of male coders admitted to waiting until the last minute to do school assignments, ...

... but most female coders said they're less likely to procrastinate and more likely to turn in work on time with the best quality.

... but most female coders said they

More than 83% of men had computers as the top hobby growing up. Sports (61%) and music (59%) came next.

More than 83% of men had computers as the top hobby growing up. Sports (61%) and music (59%) came next.

For female coders, music was preferred over computers (63% vs. 52%). Nearly 1 in 4 women were involved in a band, and 1 in 5 participated in choir and theater.

For female coders, music was preferred over computers (63% vs. 52%). Nearly 1 in 4 women were involved in a band, and 1 in 5 participated in choir and theater.

Only 42% of the male coders received a bachelor's degree and 27% received a graduate degree. They were more likely to have started and stopped college than women (14% vs. 7%), ...

Only 42% of the male coders received a bachelor

... but 51% of women received bachelor's degrees and 30% received graduate degrees.

... but 51% of women received bachelor

Men tend to live at both extremes of the annual income scale, with 1 in 4 making $100,000 and 1 in 5 making less than $25,000.

Men tend to live at both extremes of the annual income scale, with 1 in 4 making $100,000 and 1 in 5 making less than $25,000.

Women are more likely to have steady middle-class incomes, with 32% making between $50,000 and $99,999 annually per year, though fewer women than men make more than $100,000 annually (17%).

Women are more likely to have steady middle-class incomes, with 32% making between $50,000 and $99,999 annually per year, though fewer women than men make more than $100,000 annually (17%).

One interesting outlier: Coders and developers who had low GPAs in high school are more likely to command greater salaries than their higher-GPA peers. More than 62% of coders and developers who had high-school GPAs of 2.9 or lower earn $100,000 or more annually compared to only 41% of those who had GPAs of 3.6 or higher.

One interesting outlier: Coders and developers who had low GPAs in high school are more likely to command greater salaries than their higher-GPA peers. More than 62% of coders and developers who had high-school GPAs of 2.9 or lower earn $100,000 or more annually compared to only 41% of those who had GPAs of 3.6 or higher.

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