scorecardForget Elon Musk's Hyperloop: The Fastest Train In The World Floats On Air In Japan
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Forget Elon Musk's Hyperloop: The Fastest Train In The World Floats On Air In Japan

This is the Expo Park West mag-lev train station in Aichi, through the fish-eye lens of Mazukasa Matsomoto.

Forget Elon Musk's Hyperloop: The Fastest Train In The World Floats On Air In Japan

Here's the train on the day it was unveiled to the public.


A flashy paint job shows off the L0 name.

A flashy paint job shows off the L0 name.

The interior resembles that of a commercial plane.

The interior resembles that of a commercial plane.

It otherwise looks like any train you've been on before.

It otherwise looks like any train you

The mag-lev track is designed such that appropriate sides of magnets in the track (red) face the magnets in the train car (green) such that they repel each other and the train can levitate.

The mag-lev track is designed such that appropriate sides of magnets in the track (red) face the magnets in the train car (green) such that they repel each other and the train can levitate.

Onboard monitors give passengers a reading of what the train is doing, and a live video feed lets them see what's ahead.

Onboard monitors give passengers a reading of what the train is doing, and a live video feed lets them see what

Despite moving so quickly, the scenery goes by rather gently.

Despite moving so quickly, the scenery goes by rather gently.

The speed climbs and climbs until it's nearly topped out at 500 kilometers per hour, or roughly 310 miles per hour.

The speed climbs and climbs until it

Here's a picture of the train at speed. It's just a blur.


Here's a shot from below the station's elevated tracks.


Check it out in video.

Check it out in video.
